Update on Genetics Research in Stuttering

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Update on Genetics/Stuttering

From: Julie Gasway
Date: 03 Oct 2011
Time: 20:39:44 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi Dr. Drayna, This kind of work is so important and families always ask me, why does my child stutter? Thank you for attempting to answer this question. Sometimes getting stuck trying to find the reason "why" gets in the way of moving forward to address the situation at hand, but it will be nice to share that research is ongoing and getting closer to finding out the "why." Do you think that if the genes are identifed some day, that a prediction regarding who needs more intensive therapy early on might be possible too? If some day it is possible to alter genes for stuttering, would other things that you dont want to be altered get changed too?

Last changed: 10/03/11