A Perfect Norwegian Stutter

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Erasing old tapes in your head with change in location, people etc

From: Irene Bullard
Date: 08 Oct 2011
Time: 10:55:00 -0500
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Most interesting article. Thirty seven years ago I took the scenic train from Oslo to Bergen. I felt so awed by the scenery that I tired from all my "oos" and "ahs" as I marveled at the unending views, you are in a beautiful place. I am wondering if it was easier in a new environment to let go of the old tapes in your head to be in total control of your fluency, aside the from the great support that you got from Liz. I ask this, because as a person who stutters I found that going back home to my wonderful family used to bring back the old tapes of fear, guilt and shame that I felt regarding my stuttering. Going back would, in my younger days, result in increased stuttering, I wanted to show what I had achieved but all the old tapes in my head would come back. I came from a small rural community and feel that if I had stayed there it would have been hard to have broken from the shackles of what others expected of me and what I expected of myself. I have since become a speech language pathologist but do not think I would have achieved this had I not gone away and "found myself", my true voice. For me, being a very severe overt stutterer, I was not able to hide it, working on my fears, guilt and shame was most important. Yes, I do modify the way I speak to control the stuttering but that as not the most important part of my stuttering treatment. I have since developed spasmodic dysphonia but that is a whole nother story and my article can be found In this online conference. I believe that you have commented to me on that article.

Last changed: 10/08/11