Growing Up with Stuttering in Croatia

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Good job

From: Maartje Borghuis
Date: 01 Oct 2011
Time: 02:33:51 -0500
Remote Name:


Great story Suzana, here in the Netherlands it's not even possible to become an SLP if you have a speechdisorder yourself (one that isn't completely under control). I actually don't you if you still stutter, or if you can control it whenever you want, I never really heard you stutter. If not, how did that happen with you? I'm just curious, since I want to learn myself how to overcome a bad day or week or month of not feeling so great about your speech. I still do everything I want when it's not going too well, but it can be exhausting at times. Obviously, I'm having a bad month right now :) And that has not happened for a looooong time. Any tricks up your sleeve? Cavtat was great by the way, we're working hard for 2013!

Last changed: 08/10/13