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From: Amy Locy
Date: 20 Oct 2011
Time: 23:06:56 -0500
Remote Name:
I live in the USA and I really appreciated seeing the perspective of someone from Croatia! It’s amazing how far the treatment of stuttering has come over the past several decades, but it’s sad to see how far the attitudes of society have yet to come. One thing I found very interesting about your article is that when you were first seen by a professional about your stuttering they suggest that a person needs to be “cured” of stuttering, and the way to do so is to put them in a position to help other people who stutter. Although I think this is a very important piece of the puzzle, I think there are many other important factors to treatment, and I also am not so sure that stuttering treatment needs to be viewed as finding a “cure.” I also wanted to comment on how great I think it is that you are working towards increasing public awareness of stuttering in hopes of improving attitudes about stuttering!