Choral Reading and Great Speeches

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choral reading and mirror neurons

From: Anelise Bohnen
Date: 22 Oct 2011
Time: 14:47:19 -0500
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Dear Judy Dr Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist, found that our brains have mirror neurons that respond for the imitation acts that humans have. And, even though I haven't read anything said by him that is related to stuttering, it makes a lot of sense to explain why choral reading and devices such as SpeechEasy work so nicely as a fluency enhancer. I do not know your opinion about this, but understand Rizzolatti's work may help us improve our clinical tools. Google and other more scientific search sources provide pros and cons of this "mirror neurons" theory. I attended a lecture by Dr Rizzolatti and was very impressed. Thank you for sharing your nuggets and for the wonderful opportunities we, and specially I, have had with this conference. Congratulations! Anelise

Last changed: 10/22/11