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From: Pam
Date: 12 Oct 2011
Time: 13:26:27 -0500
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Hey Tim, thanks for the comments and the question. The reason I do so well in Toastmasters is that I DON"T read from script or notes. For me, as you mention, that is a real challenges. I did the dramatic reading series in Toastmasters, and took the challenge to read Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech. I couldn't change any of the words, although, if I do recall, I did leave a few out. It was so challenging. I stuttered a lot, and on every "n" word, so I was acutely aware that each time I read "negro" , I stuttered on it. Ugh! That's why I advocate not speaking from prepared notes - you look so much more natural and relaxed anyway. But as for tips, the two best things I do, is one, I always advertise that I stutter, and that oral reading in particular is tough for me. Disclosing upfront makes it a little easier. Secondly, I try to slow my pace and use more pauses, which requires effort, because I speak fast naturally. I used to worry a LOT in Toastmasters about going over time, especially with reading, but I don't care anymore. Yes, things are timed in TM to give us an awareness of the need to adhere to time frames, but sometimes I go over time, and I don't get struck by lightening. :) So advertising, slower rate and pausing for effect are good tips. Even if you don't stutter - slowing your rate helps listeners listen and process better. We can read many more words per minute than we can listen to and process. So that is a smart public speaking tip for anyone. ~Pam