Therapy for Stuttering in Africa

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Students helping with therapy/Study Abroad

From: Brittany Loomis (undergraduate student)
Date: 21 Oct 2011
Time: 14:57:17 -0500
Remote Name:


I am amazed at how little help there is for people who stutter in Africa. The numbers and statistics are unbelievable. It seems like it would be a great area for students to go, while they are still getting their undergrad or graduate degree, and learn more about stuttering therapy. I would also think that it would teach students about cultural differences that need to be taken into consideration when performing therapy for a client of a different culture. I don’t know how somebody could get involved and find a way to go to Africa as a student and try and help with some therapy? If there is a way though, or an organization that students can go through, I would be very interested.

Last changed: 08/10/13