"Honesty...Finally - my others and to myself..."

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"Honest with me years ago"

From: Alexandra Thielfoldt, Senior at MNSU studying SLP
Date: 11 Oct 2011
Time: 21:00:50 -0500
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Chris, First I just want to say that this was the most fun article I have read so far- your delivery was perfect! I am a senior at Minnesota State University-Mankato studying SLP. Something in your article that stood out to me was your last line "If only someone would have been honest with me years ago. . .perhaps like myself. . . ." What kind of approach would you suggest to take with a younger person who stutters to help them find that realization as well? You so honestly said that it took you 55 years to see stuttering as part of who you are- not what you are, and I hope that someday with my clients I can say that one helpful piece of advice to maybe avoid years of painful denial and anxiety when really it does not have to be. Thank you again for your story!

Last changed: 10/11/11