"Honesty...Finally - my others and to myself..."

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Re: Honesty

From: Chris Roach
Date: 17 Oct 2011
Time: 20:03:02 -0500
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Hi, Elyse, thanks for your kind remarks. You ask a great question about honesty. Truthfully, I'm a cafeteria stutterer-sorta picking out different times for honesty and often not the same thing each time. I look at why I might choose to be honest and at times not quite as honest. If it's a tough day, I'm tired or just carefree, I admit I might shortcut a menu order, point to a movie number or get a clerk to answer for me because I don't particularly feel like dealing with open stuttering at that moment. The key is I didn't do that because of fear, hiding or shirking from my speech. I did it just because I wanted to at that moment--on my terms. No big deal. Didn't make me feel diminished or deceptive and there wasn't any emotion at stake for me. I think that's true honesty--I control how I feel about my speech on my terms and under control. Honesty is when you behave in a way you choose regarding how YOU feel about something and not doing it simply to please the other person. Make sense? Elyse, thanks again for joining in. Chris

Last changed: 10/17/11