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From: Maria Noel
Date: 14 Oct 2011
Time: 11:47:12 -0500
Remote Name:
Hey there! I'm a graduate student in CSD and I did a single-subject last year that combined the use of visualization techniques with drill work in a person with apraxia. The technique didn't work, and it was because the study that I used as a basis (Quintyn, M. and Cross, E. (1986). Factors affecting the ability to initiate movement in Parkinson’s disease. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriartrics, 4(4), 51-60.) described this technique for people with PD. The reason the technique didn't work was because PD is a disorder in the basal ganglia. My subject's apraxia was a result of stroke and impairment to the motor strip. Dr. Bohnen has a paper in this conference that implicates the BG in stuttering. Has anyone looked at the effectiveness of combining visualization techniques along with stuttering modification techniques?