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From: Ed Feuer
Date: 10 Oct 2011
Time: 11:18:53 -0500
Remote Name:
David, I very much welcome your response in which you said, "I like your idea of being open to bringing together a potentially diverse treatment team." That being the case, you are in a position to help get the ball rolling in changing the therapy- delivery paradigm and modalities. That could start via joint practicums where your grad students from fluency disorders and those from psychology and counselling share stuttering clients with a suitable division of therapeutic labour under the supervision of you and the other liaising profs. Of course, you would first need to convince your counterparts from these other departments to accept the speech therapy model. In-so-doing, you would provide a much-needed example — ASHA’s SID4 page on the Internet lists “multidisciplinary interaction” among “professional issues.” — Ed edfeuer@mts.net