Crime or No Crime

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Crime Accusations

From: Kelsey B. (graduate student)
Date: 11 Oct 2011
Time: 06:51:13 -0500
Remote Name:


What a great activity-- I particularly like how it's so adaptable depending on what one wants to accomplish with the activity. I did have a question related to the accusations you've suggested. The final three aren't specific to communication like the others are. Would you typically include accusations like this to promote self-advocacy skills in general and to add variety to the activity, or would you stick with the stuttering related accusations given the activity's purpose of providing a format to talk about stuttering? I can see how a large group of children (like at the NSA conference) might necessitate such varied prompts, but I'd think most groups wouldn't reach that scale. Anyway, thanks for sharing this great idea!

Last changed: 10/11/11