The Magic Interview

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Culltural perceptions of PWS

From: Megan Sage (Illinois, USA)
Date: 04 Oct 2011
Time: 15:34:48 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi there! Your story caught my eye on the homepage because you are from India. I'm currently a graduate student and will soon be a speech therapist. I'm really interested in other cultures and am hoping to live and work in another country someday. I'm particularly interested in the Indian culture because we have a large Indian population in my town (State Farm headquarters) and several of my friends are from India. I really appreciate your culture and am always striving to learn more. I really enjoyed reading about how your attitude changed. I can imagine it is hard to get over the hump and say that you are ready to change things (as is the case with any personal struggle). I was wondering how stuttering is perceived in your culture. Outside of the adolescent school setting, is this looked down upon? Are there very many people who stutter in India, giving the people who don't stutter a chance to accept it? How do you feel when you go out in public? Also, have you ever been to the USA? I was wondering if you've experienced any cultural differences between India and other countries with your personal experience. Thank you so much for sharing your story! Megan

Last changed: 10/23/11