The Magic Interview

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Re: role model

From: Harish Usgaonker
Date: 16 Oct 2011
Time: 03:11:51 -0500
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Dear Mr. David Seidler, Yes, it really helps having a role model. As for your question, I would say, Stuttering advocacy in India has just started, and in it's infancy. People have just started coming out of and speak about stuttering. Workshops and awareness events are held by TISA co-ordinators in few of the cities. In short, there has been a beginning, and the long journey has started. I don't think I am right person to speak about Speech Therapy in India. But I can talk about my experiences with the therapies and therapies in my State- Goa. The therapists I have come across had little about fluency disorders, and they turned to the conventional bookish approach of dealing just the dysfluency... and ignoring the psychological aspects. Nothing much is being spoken about pre-school therapies. There are not enough therapists who offer such therapies in Goa. A lot has to be done in terms of awareness and right therapy approach.

Last changed: 10/23/11