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From: Vince Vawter
Date: 03 Oct 2011
Time: 05:35:15 -0500
Remote Name:
My daughter started talking early. When she was 3 years old a serious reptitive stutter came on suddenly. The first sound of a word would be repeated up to a dozen times. My wife consulted our pediatrician and I called the local university's speech department. We were careful not to call attention to my daughter's speech in front of her. In less than two weeks and before we could set up an evaluation appointment, the repititions ceased. Totally disappeared. We carefully her speech for the next six months. She is 33 now and an excellent public speaker. She now has a 3 year-year-old daughter who is showing some stuttering tendencies but seems to be improving on her own. Obviously, we all are watching and listening carefully without making a big deal about it. My sense is that my granddaughter will overcome the tendencies on her own. But we take nothing for granted.