Notes from a Stuttering "Expert"

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getting on with it

From: Tom Brennan
Date: 05 Oct 2011
Time: 09:14:52 -0500
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Over the years that I've been reading these conference papers I've seen the slow development of an interesting way of dealing with the world that you seem to strongly advocate. It amounts to "get over it" and "get over yourself" in dealing with stuttering. Obviously one has to be confortable in his/her own skin and a very large part of that must be in how we communicate. Of course, "get over it" cannot be the initial reaction of a stutterer since it could be the ultimate avoidance behavior but there has to come a point when that is essentially what one must do. That point may involve deciding to do therapy "one day at a time" or in deciding that you've gotten all that you can from therapy and must now get on with your life. Do you see a way to help a stutterer find that point?

Last changed: 10/05/11