Notes from a Stuttering "Expert"

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Re: Humor and Stuttering

From: Vince Vawter
Date: 05 Oct 2011
Time: 20:50:40 -0500
Remote Name:


Thanks, Bernie. I actually contacted Tammy Flores of the NSA earlier in the year to throw my hat into the ring for anything the NSA might need in the way of a keynoter. I was unable to attend the Ft. Worth conference this July due to a family reunion. Humor has been my salvation in public speaking. For some reason, I become more fluent when talking to large groups. It's probably because I pay more attention to my targets. I was president of the old NSP chapter in Knoxville in the mid-90s. We had an active chapter until my career moved me to Indiana. In retirement I vowed to spend more time spreading the word about stuttering. Keep me in mind if I can do anything for the NSA in the future. While I do use humor, I'm always careful that my message has a point and is, above all, uplifting. Thanks.

Last changed: 10/05/11