Notes from a Stuttering "Expert"

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Re: Stuttering Cure

From: Vince Vawter
Date: 17 Oct 2011
Time: 16:29:13 -0500
Remote Name:


The problem is the word "cure" itself. The original Latin word "curare" means to "take care of." That original meaning works. I can see an SLP telling a PWS "If you work hard, we can take care of that stutter." But today, "cure" has a connotation of being finite, as in "miracle cure." There are so many better words. You can "overcome" a stutter. You can gain "freedom" from a stutter. A young person who stutters no doubt is looking for a cure. A mature person should be looking to overcome. The difference is subtle, but extremely important. You might look at the discussion threads from the Prof Is In on my question "How to You Handle the "C" word?" Thanks.

Last changed: 10/17/11