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From: Courtney Han
Date: 22 Oct 2011
Time: 18:19:58 -0500
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Lisette, Your paper has broadened my perspective on stuttering immensely. I had never considered the idea that blindness is more widely accepted than stuttering, and it made me really think about how disappointing it is that both cannot be accepted. I can not imagine what it must be like to struggle with the feelings of shame you mentioned. I especially loved how you wrote that "communication is about being authentic, having a message with clear ideas, using good inflection, not dropping your head in shame when you stutter, even if you can't see." Your story is so encouraging, and thank you for sharing it! I have a question for you if you don't mind. Have you found through your journey of training yourself that stuttering is not something to hide, that once you became more okay with your stuttering, the people around you started to change their views about it too? In other words, has it been your experience that through this you have not only been able to change your own framework, but also change the framework of others as well? If so, was it a difficult transition for them based on their previous opinions of stuttering? Thank you for your time! -Courtney Han