
Stuttering is a widely misjudged and underestimated handicap not only for the one percent of the world population who are affected but also for many of those who come into contact with people who stutter. This lack of knowledge which often compounds ignorance and discrimination adds to the everyday difficulties of people who stutter, often preventing them from the great potentials that lie in both professional speech therapy and self-help.

Mindful of this background stuttering associations around the world put much effort into informing and enlightening the public about the problem of stuttering. Amongst many other initiatives, the latest collaboration of the stuttering associations is the International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) held on 22 October every year.

The European League of Stuttering Associations (ELSA) decided to support the ISAD by organising a European seminar on the topic of Stuttering Awareness. By sharing projects and experiences from the fields of public relations, counselling, information and awareness campaigns the Proceedings of this meeting will give the national stuttering associations and other interested organisations support in continuing and hopefully improving the conditions for all people who stutter in their respective countries.

We would like to thank the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General V (Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs) for part-funding the seminar in Vienna. Additionally, our thanks go to all the individuals and national associations who contributed their time and experiences to the seminar.

The meeting in Vienna was the ELSA’s fourteenth seminar since it was formed nine years ago. Our thanks go to everyone who have contributed to this long story of success.


Köln, September 1999


Anita S. Blom (S)

Edwin J. Farr (GB)

Konrad Schäfers (D)