Third Version



Jeffrey Wollock, D. Phil., New York.
Jorge Perelló, M.D., Barcelona


This is a bibliography of writings about the history of language study and practice from the point of view of natural philosophy, the natural sciences, and medicine. The original draft was prepared by Wollock at the request of the History Committee of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics which met at Prague on 6 August, 1989. Numerous additional entries and corrections were sent in subsequently by Perelló.

The bibliography consists mainly of items which contribute to the historiography of logopedics, phoniatrics, pathology of language, communication disorders, and relevant areas of anatomy, physiology, phonetics, and psychology. Because of the relation between speech for the deaf and speech pathology it also includes some literature on the history of deafness.

Explicitly excluded, however, are items that are simply objects of historical study, such as early writings, unless the authors of these writings themselves have attempted to write about the history of their subject. Without this distinction, the bibliography might, in theory, contain everything ever written on these subjects, as Dr. Perelló pointed out at the meeting.

For example, ITARD (1817), a classic work on speech pathology, is very important as an object of historical study. But it has been included here not for that reason, but only because ITARD, on pp. 167-168 of his Mémoire, tried to provide a historical survey and even tried to divide the history of speech pathology into different periods.

Readers are invited to provide additional entries as well as corrections and useful annotations to the items already listed. Since the initial compiler has not been able to examine every item himself, there may well be some which do not even belong in this bibliography according to the criteria outlined above. If so, he will be grateful to anyone who can point this out. Undoubtedly there are also many errors. E-mail communications should be sent to Jeffrey Wollock.

There are no restrictions as to date, place, or language of publication.

Readers may also wish to know that Wollock's book The Noblest Animate Motion: Speech, physiology and medicine in pre-Cartesian linguistic thought has been published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam & Philadelphia). This historical study of nearly 500 pages traces the theory of speech pathology in depth from the 5th century B.C. through the earlier 17th century.



ITARD, Jean. Mémoire sur le bégaiement. 1817. (Historical: pp. 167-168.). For translation, commentary, bibliography, see Michael J. Clark, 1980.


SNELL, James. Observations on the History, Use, and Construction of Obturators, or What Have Hitherto Been Called in This Country Artificial Palates . . . London, 1824.


GÉRANDO, Joseph Marie de, Baron. De l'éducation des sourds-muets de naissance. 2 vols. Paris, 1827.


SNELL, James. Observations on the History, Use and Construction of Obturators ...2d ed. London: Collins & Wilson, 1828. 106 pp.


ANON. The Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen, 4to., reprinted at Edinburgh, 1834. Edinburgh Review 61 (July 1835), pp. 407-417. (Historical sketch begins on p. 409.)


GUYOT, Charles, & GUYOT, Rembert Tobias. Liste littéraire philocophe; ou, catalogue d'étude de ce qui a été publié jusquà nos jours sur les sourds-muets; sur l'oreille, l'ouie, la voix, le langage, la mimique, les aveugles, &c. &c. . . . . Groningue, J. Oomkens, 1842.


BALLESTERO, Juan Manuel. Curso Elemental de Instruccion de Sordomudos. Parte primera: Historia, Teoría y Programa de la Enseñanza....por J.M.B. Madrid: Imprenta del colegio de sordo-mudos y ciegos, 1845.


HAASE, Carl August. Das Stottern. Berlin: Hirschwald, 1846.


PEET, H.P. Memoir on the Origin and Early History of the Art of Instructing the Deaf. American Annals of the Deaf, 3, no. 3 (April 1851), p. 133 ff.


SAND, Maurice. Masques et Bouffons. Paris: A. Levy Fils, 1862. Vol. II, pp. 325-332. (On Tartaglia, a stuttering character from the Commedia dell'arte.)

VILLALOBOS, F.Fr. Memoria sobre la organización dela enseñanza en los sordomudos. Madrid: Imprenta Sordo Mudos., 1862.


GUILLAUME, Adrien. Art. "Bégaiement." In J. Raige-Delorme & A. Dechambre, (eds.). Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales, 8. Paris, 1868, pp. 694-755.


LONGET, Francois-Achille. The History of the Theory ofVoice Production (in French). In his Traité de Physiologie, 3d ed., 1869, tom. II, pp. 733-735. (For English translation, see 1909: Miller/Brunner.)


BROECKX, C. Le Baron François Mercure Van Helmont. Annales de la Société de Médecine d'Anvers 31 (1870), pp. 73-88; 129-137.

HUNT, James. Stammering and Stuttering. Their Nature and Treatment, 7th ed. Ed. H.F. Rivers. London: Longmans, Green, 1870.

STÖTZNER, H.E. Samuel Heinicke, Sein Leben und Werken, 1870.


BAKER, Charles (trans.) Preface to Jan Conrad Amman, A Dissertation on Speech [1700]. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1873, pp. xi-xvi.(reprint, see 1965, RIEBER.)

TWISLETON, Hon. Edward Turner Boyd. The Tongue Not Essential to Speech. Illustrations of the Power of Speech in the African Confessors. London., 1873

Review of Twisleton. Saturday Review 36 (1873), p. 516.


COUPLAND, S. Description of Aphasia by Goethe. British Medical Journal 1 (1874), p. 19.

FAY, E.A. Review of AMMAN reprint, ed. BAKER (1873). American Annals of the Deaf 19 (1874), pp. 31-34.


JASTROWITZ, M. Historische Notiz über Aphasie. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift 12 (1875), S. 323.

KÜLZ. E. Zur Geschichte der Aphasie. Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift 12 (1875), S. 699.


HARTMANN, Arthur. Taubstummheit und Taubstummenbildung ... Stuttgart: Enke, 1880 (212 pp.) 1881

HARTMANN, Arthur. Deafmutism and the Education of Deafmutes by Lip-Reading and Articulation ... translated and enlarged by James Patterson Cassells ... London, (224 pp.)


ANON. Aus den Anfängen des Taubstummenwesens. Deutsche Schulpraxis 1 (1881), S. 316.

WERNER, Edgar S. Mutilation of Stutterers. Surgical Operations which Have Been Performed for the Cure of Defects of Speech. The Voice (Albany, N.Y.) 3, no. 9 (Sept. 1881), pp. 127-128; no. 10 (Oct.), p. 146.


LaROCHELLE, E. J.J. Rodrigues Pereira, instituteur des sourds-muets en France. Paris, 1882 (576 pp.)

POTTER, Samuel Otway Lewis. Speech and Its Defects. Considered Physiologically, Pathologically, Historically, and Remedially. (Lea Prize Thesis of Jefferson Medical College.) Philadel-phia: P. Blakiston, 1882. (117 pp.)

TWISLETON, Edward Turner Boyd (1873). Excerpts. The Voice (Albany, N.Y.): 4, no. 4 (April 1882), pp. 54-55; 4, no. 9 (Sept. 1882), pp. 112-114.

WALTHER, Emil Guido. Geschichte des Taubstummen-Bildungswesens. Bielefeld: Velhagen und Klaring, 1882.

WERNER, Edgar S. Mutilation of Stutterers. (etc.) The Voice (Albany, N.Y.) 4, no. 1 (January 1882), p. 8; no. 3 (March), p. 39.


TWISLETON, Edward Turner Boyd (1873). Excerpt. The Voice (Albany, N.Y.): 5, no. 3 (March 1883), pp. 40-42.


HOLMES, Gordon. History of the Progress of Laryngology from the Earliest Times to the Pre-sent. Medical Press and Circular (July 15 - Oct. 7, 1885), pp. 49-51; 72-74; 95-98; 120-123; 142-145; 162-165; 185-187; 208-209; 228-231; 265-239.


DENIS, M. "L'instituteur du Prince de Carignan." Revue Française de l'Éducation des Sourds-muëts 3.9 (1887): .

HOLMES, Gordon. Histoire des progrès de la laryngologie de ses origines jusqu'à nos jours. Transl. Dr. Calmettes. Bruxelles: A. Manceaux, 1887.

HOLMES, Gordon. Die Geschichte der Laryngologie. Trans. O. Koerner. Berlin: Hirschwald, 1887.


THOMAS, Arnold. Education of Deaf-Mutes. London, 1887.


FARRAR, A. Historical Introduction to PABLO BONET's Simplification of the Letters of the Alphabet, tr. H.N. DIXON. Harrogate: A. Farrar, 1890.

FOY, George M. History of the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 90 (September 1890), pp. 198-215.

SWOBODA, Wilhelm. Zur Geschichte der Phonetik in Österreich. Zeitschrift für der Realschul-Wesen 15 (1890), S. 385-406.

TECHMER, Franz. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Französischen und Englischen Phonetik und Phonographie. Internationale Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 5 (1890), S. 144-295.

VIëTOR, Wilhelm. Aus C.F. Hellwags Nachlass. Phonetische Studien 3 (1890), S. 43-55.


SWOBODA, Wilhelm. Zur Geschichte der Phonetik. Phonetische Studien 4 (1891), S. 1-36 [Von KEMPELEN]

GUTZMANN, Herman, senior. Zur Bibliographie und Geschichte der gesammten Sprachheilkunde. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde [Berlin] 1 (1891):185-189; 250-251; 315-317; 337-341; 367-382.


FARRAR, A. A Sixteenth-century Treatise. American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb (June 1892) [Licenciado LASSO]

MORF, Heinrich. Geschichte des Taubstummenbildungs. Pädagogium 14 (1892?), S. 551-567.


GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Vorlesungen über die Störungen der Sprache und ihre Heilung. Berlin: Fischer, 1893. (Historical survey, ca. S. 276 ff.)

GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Lehre von den Gaumensegelbewegungen beim Sprechen, nebst eigenen neuen Untersuchungen. [Berlin] 3 (1893), S. 217; 225; 257; 293.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Weitere Beiträge zur Bibliographie und Geschichte der Sprachheilkunde (wiedergabe des Abschnittes "Vom Reden oder Sprechen," 19. Kapitel aus dem 3. Bd. des Lehrbuches der Kinderkrankheiten von J. Storch, genannt Pelarges, 1750, mit eigenen Kommentaren. (probably Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde, 1893 or 1894).


BEUGNIES, Dr. Le bégaiement dans la Bible. Tribune Médicale, no. 39. (23 Sept. 1896), pp. 762-763.

RICHTER. Vorstellen und Sprechen. Pädagog. Blätter (1896), S. 141-164.


GUTZMANN, Hermann. Zwei ältere Arbeiten über ärztliche Untersuchungen bei Taubstummen. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde 7(1897), S. 338-349.

MARCET, W. A Contribution to the History of the Respiration of Man. London: Churchill, 1897.

TALBERT, Ferdinand. De l'influence de la blésité sur la formation et la prononciation du français. La Voix Parlée et Chantée 8 (1897), pp. 121-136; 160-168.


CHERVIN, Arthur. Demosthène, était-il bègue? Tours, 1898.

GOLDBACH, Richard. Die Laryngologie des Galen. Ph.D. diss., Berlin, 1898.


GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Über die Sprachheilkunde Konrad Amman's. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde. [Berlin] 9 (1899)193-202; 225-234.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Beiträge zur Bibliographie und Geschichte der Sprachheilkunde. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde. [Berlin] 9 (1899) 256-288; 329-350.

OLIVIER, Émile-Paul. Le bégaiement dans la littérature médicale. La Parole; Revue Internationale de Rhinologie, Otologie, Laryngologie et Phonétique Expérimentale 9 (1899), pp. 721-745.

OLIVIER, Émile-Paul. Le bégaiement dans la littérature médicale. Paris: Protat Frères, 1899 (27 pp.)


BELL, Alexander Graham. Historical Notes concerning the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Volta Review 2 (1900), pp. 113-115; 489-510.

CHERVIN, Arthur. Traditions populaires relatives à la parole. Revue des Traditions Populaires 15 (1900), pp. 241-263.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Zwei ältere Arbeiten über die Theorie und Therapie des Stotterns. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkund (1900).


FORNARI, . Cenni storico-critici sull'istruzione dei sordomuti in il Reggio Istituto Nazionale pei Sordomuti a Milano e la Reggia Scuola Normale G. Cardano, Milano.

THOMAS, Arnold. Education of Deaf-Mutes. 2d ed. London (with introduction by A. FARRAR).

TILLINGHAST, J.A. The Social Status of the Deaf in the Past. American Annals of the Deaf 46 (1901). (In several parts: check for exact citations.)


BEUGNIES, Dr. Les vices de la parole dans la Bible. La Voix Parlée et Chantée (1903), pp. 5-9.

CHERVIN, Arthur. Traditions populaires relatives à la parole. Paris: F.R. de Rudeval, 1903.


BUKOFZER, Manfred. Zur Hygiene des Tonansatzes unter Berücksichtigung moderner und alter Gesangsmethoden. Archiv für Laryngologie und Rhinologie 15 (1904), S.184 ff.


BEJARANO, E. La España y los sordomudos. Revista de Especialidades Médicas. 8 (1905), pp. 377; 401.

BEJARANO, Eloi. L'Espagne et les sourdmuets. Madrid, 1905.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, senior. Zur Geschichte des Obturatoren und des künstlichen Gaumensegels. Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkund 15 (1905) 254-256.


BERG, W. Die Vortragssprache und Stimmbildungskunst bei den Alten. Die Stimme 1 (1906), S. 10-13; 40-43; 82-86; 113-115; 140-147.

BONILLA y SAN MART*N, . Aristóteles y los sordomudos. Boletín de la Asosiación de los Sordomudos (Madrid), año 1906, no.2.

CULLERRE, A. Un aphasique au XVIIIe siècle. Chronique Médicale 13 (1906), 300.

MARIE, Pierre. L'aphasie de 1861 à 1866. Essai de critique historique sur la genèse de la doctrine de Broca. La Semaine Médicale (28 Novembre 1906): .


HABÖCK, Franz. [Summary of research later pub-lished in 1909.] Zeitschrift d. Internat. Musik Gesellschaft, Jg. 9, Hft. 9 (1908), S. 333-334.


HABÖCK, Franz. Physiologische Grundlagen der altitalienischen Gesangschule. Die Musik 8 (September 1909), S. 337-347. (Mainly on MAFFEI & FABRICIUS ab AQUAPENDENTE)

HUDSON-MAKUEN, G. A Brief History of the Treatment of Stammering with Some Suggestions as to Modern Methods. Medical Record (N.Y.) 76 (1909), pp. 1015-1017.

LONGET, François-Achille. The History of the Theory of Voice Production (from his Traité de physiologie, ed. 3, Paris, 1869), trans. Emily J. Brunner. Included in MILLER, Frank E., M.D., Observations in Vocal Art Science. In International University Lectures ... at the Congress of Arts and Sciences, Universal Exposition, St. Louis (pp. 319-334). New York: University Alliance, 1909.

MURKO, M. Johannes Hus als Reformator der Lateinischen Schrift. In Stromateis: Grazer Festzeitung zum 50. Philologenvers (1909), p. 136. (Gives orientation and cites literature on phonetic studies in the Middle Ages and following centuries.)


ULRICH, Bernhard. Die Grundsätze der Stimmbildung, während der A Cappella-Periode und zur Zeite des Aufkommens der Oper, 1474-1640. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel [1910], 1912, pp. 107-108.


APPELT, Alfred. The Real Cause of Stammering and Its Permanent Cure. (1911), pp. 1-44.

KASSEL, Karl. Die Stimmfrage in alter Zeit. Die Stimme, 1911, Hft. 6, S. 160-166.


HAMILTON, G.L. La source d'un épisode de Baudouinde Sebourc. Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 36 (192), pp. 129-159. (On the legend that Moses was a stutterer.)

KASSEL, Karl. Galen's Lehre von der Stimme Zeitschrift für Laryngologie, Rhinologie, undihre Grenzgebiete 4 (1912) pp. 243-248.


BLUEMEL, C.S. Stammering and Cognate Defects of Speech. New York, 1913. (On stuttering:) vol. 1, chapt. 7, especially 277-278; vol. 2, pp. 255, 260-61. (Check for other topics.)

EBSTEIN, E. Goethes Anteil an der Lehre von der Aphasie. Zeitschrift für gesammte Neurologie und Psychiatrie 17 (1913), S. 58-64.

SPAETH, Sigmund. Milton's Knowledge of Music. Princeton University Library, 1913. (rpt. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1963); pp. 49-50: voice production.

VANGENSTEN, Ove Conrad Langaard. Leonardo da Vinci og fonetiken. Forhandlingar i Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania Aar 1913, No.1. Kristiana (Oslo): I Kommission Hos Jacob Dybwad, 1913.


GANS, A. Über einen im Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts von Dr. Peter Rommel klassisch beschriebenen Fall von transcorticaler motorischer Aphasie. Zeitschrift für gesammte Neurologie und Psychiatrie 24 (1914), S. 480-482.


EBSTEIN, E. Das Valsalva-Morgagnische Gesetz: ein Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte der Aphasie. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde 53 (1915), S. 130-136.


HULTGREN, E.O. Historiska Notiser i Afasiläran. Svenska läk.-sällsk. Förhandlingar 42 (1916), 1022-1037.


BELL, M.H.G. Dr. William Thornton and his Essay on Teaching the Deaf. Columbia Historical Society Records 20 (1917), pp. 225-236.

FERRERI, G. Disegno storico dell'educazione dei sordomuti, tomi 1 & 2. Milano: S. Vincenzo, 1917. pp. viii+156; ix+230.


VIëTOR, Wilhelm (ed.) AMMAN, Jan Conrad. Dissertatio de Loquela [1700]. Mit Deutsche Übersetzung von G[eorg] V[enzky] (1747). Berlin/Hamburg: Fischers medizinische Buchhandlung; L. Friedrichsen & Co. (Originally appeared in Vox, vols. 27 & 28.)


VIëTOR, Wilhelm (ed.) VAN HELMONT (German translation.) Vox.


BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. La fonetica biologica di Leonardo da Vinci. Giornale di medicina militare (1919), pp. 1217-1240. (Earlier version of BILANCIONI, 1922.)

GUTZMANN, Hermann. Über phonetische Transkription der sichtbaren und tastbaren Lautbildungen. Anwendung auf die Transkription des Georgischen-Bemerkungen zur Sanskritschrift. Vox 29, 6 (1919), S. 129-156.

LóPEZ NUÑEZ, Alvaro (ed.). LASSO (Licenciado), Tratado legal sobre los mudos (1550); con unestudio preliminar y notas de Alvaro López Nuñez. Madrid: Sobrinos de la sucesor de M. Minuesa de los Ríos, Miguel Server, 1919.


DeLAND, Fred. Ponce de León and Bonet. Volta Review (July 1920).

KRUMBACHER, Armin. Die Stimmbildung des Redner in Altertum bis auf die Zeit Quintilians Paderborn, 1920. (See also PFLAUM, 1924)

NAVARRO TOMáS, Tomás. Joan Pablo Bonet. La Paraula 3 (1920):23-47. ["Número extraordinari de la Paraula publicat amb motiu del IV centenari de la naixança de Fra P. Ponce de León: III de la publicació del llibre 'Reducción de las letras' de Joan Pablo Bonet."]

NAVARRO TOMáS, Tomás. Doctrina fonética de JuanPablo Bonet. Revista de Filología Española 7 (1920), pp. 150-177.


HEAD, Henry. Aphasia: An Historical Review. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, section of Neurology, 14 (1920/21), pp. 1-22.


BECK, F. Les institutions des sourd-muets scandinaves. La Paraula 3 (1921):192-195.

CRUZ, Filipe. Breves notas sobre o ensino dos sourdomudos em Portugal. La Paraula 3 (1921):170-191.

SCHUMANN, Paul. Der deutsche Museum für Taubstummenbildung. La Paraula 3 (1921):80-91.


AGOSTA, A. Il concetto di afasia nelle vecchie e nelle nuove teorie. Cervello (Napoli) 1 (1922), pp. 194; 247.

BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. La fonetica biologica di Leonardo da Vinci. Veteris Vestigia Flammae: pagine storiche della scienza nostra, ed. G. Bilancioni. Studi di storia del pensiero scientifico, 2. Roma: Casa edit. Leonardo da Vinci, 1922, pp. 109-162.

MOCHI, A. Le obiezioni di Pierre Marie alla dottrina classica della afasia. Rassegna di Studi Psichiatrici (Siena) 11 (1922), pp. 501-519.

NADOLECZNY, Max. Hermann Gutzmann verstorben. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 69 (1922):1786-1787.

STERN, H. Hermann Gutzmann verstorben. Monatsschrift für Ohrenheilkunde 56 (1922) 887-892.


GIESSWEIN, A. Prof. Jakob Katzenstein (in memoriam). Zeitschr. Laryng. Rhinol. 11 (1923) 318.

HEYMANN, G. Zum Gedächtnis an Hermann Gutzmann. Zeitschr. Laryng. Rhinol. (1923) 387-388.

NADOLECZNY, Max. Zum Gedaächtnis an Hermann Gutzmann. Z. Laryng. Rhinol. 11 (1923) 379-386.


NAVARRO-TOMáS, Tomás. Manuel Ramírez de Carrión y el arte de enseñar a los mudos. Revista deFilolología Española 11 (1924):225-266.

PFLAUM, George Raymond Roy (trans.) The Voice Training of the Orator in Antiquity up to the Time of Quintilian, by A. KRUMBACHER (1920). M.A. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1924.


BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. Leonardo da Vinci e i nervi della voce. Archivi di storia di scienza [Roma] 6 (1925), pp. 222-234.

CAPPARONI, P. s.v. Casserio, Giulio. Profili bio-bibliografici di medici e naturalisti celebri italiani sec. xv-xviii. Roma: Istituto nazionale medico farmacologico, 1925.

KRUMBACHER, Armin. Die Stimmbildung der Demosthenes. Wiener Blätter für die Freunde der Antike 3, 1/2 (März-April 1925), S. 17-20. This is an excerpt from KRUMBACHER (1920), with a brief introductory appreciation by the editor, Otto BARENSFELD.


BALOGH, Joseph. Voces Paginarum , Beiträge zur Geschichte des lauten Lesens und Schreibens. Philologus 82 (1926), S. 84-109; 202-240.

BILANCIONI, G. I grandi allucinati dell'udito: Martin Lutero. Ill. med. ital. 8 (1926), pp. 45-51; 84-91.

HEAD, Henry. Aphasia and Kindred Disorders of Speech. Cambridge, 1926. Vol. I, pp. 1-12: history, mainly 19th c.

HOLST, Hans. Demosthenes' Speech Impediment. Symbolae Osloenses 4 (1926), pp. 11-25.


BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. Il suono e la voce nell'opera di Dante.

RICHTER, Friedrich. Die Entwicklung der psychologischen Kindersprachforschung bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Ges-chichte der Kinderseelenkunde. Münster i. W.: Münsterverlag, 1927 (116 pp.)

ZAVATTARI, Edoardo. L'udito e la voce secondo Bernardino Telesio. Il Valsalva 3 (1927), p. 591.


HORNE, I. The Patron Saint of Laryngology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 21:1021- .

LEIPZIG, STAATLICHE TAUBSTUMMEN-ANSTALT. Die staatliche Taubstummen-Anstalt zu Leipzig,1778-1928. Festschrift zum 150 jährigen Bestehens. Leipzig.


ANON. L'Abate Silvestri (1744-1780), primo maestro dei sordomuti in Italia. Il Valsalva 5, fasc. 10:661-663.

APPELT, Alfred. Stammering and Its Permanent Cure, 3d ed. London: Methuen, 1929. "Retrospective," pp. 11-24.

MAZZINI, G. Battista Codronchi e il suo De Vitiis Vocis . Il Valsalva 5 (1929), fasc. 12, pp. 797-799.

THOMS, Paul. Die pädagogische Arbeit an Sprachgeschädigten in ihren Wandlungen. Vox 15 (May 1929), S. 36-41.


BILANCIONI, G. Una rara anomalia della bocca [Dana, 1788]. Il Valsalva 6, no. 9 (1930), p. 616.

ORELLANA GARRIDO, Jacobo & GASCóN PORTERO, Lorenzo (eds.). Juan Pablo Bonet, Reducción de las letras y arte para enseñar a hablar los mudos. Nueva edición, comentada y precedida de un estudio crítico biográfico sobre J.P.B. por J.O.G. y L.G.P. Madrid: F. Beltran.

SCHÖNE, Hermann. Peri hygieines anaphoneseos bei Oribasius Coll. Med. vi.10. Hermes 65 (1930), S. 92-105.

TOHILL, Elizabeth. The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Speech Clinic. M.A. thesis. Columbia University Teachers' College, New York, 1930.


DeLAND, Fred. The Story of Lip-Reading. Its Genesis and Development. Revised and completed by Harriet Andrews Montague. Washington, D.C.: Volta Bureau, 1931. rpt. 1968.

M*LLER, C. Jacob Madsen als Phonetiker. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Phonetik im 16. Jahrhundert. Acta Jutlandica [Univ. Aarhus] 3 (1931), pp. 43-66.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, G. Girolamo Mercurialis. Beziehungen zur Phonetik und Phoniatrie. Vox 17 (1931), S. 13-19.

SCHUMANN, Paul. Der Taubstumme in der schönen Literatur. Blätter für Taubstummenbildung 44.16:289-299; 17:308-316; 18:321-330.


ANON. H. Dahmann (in memoriam). Zeitschr. f. Laryng. Rhinol. (1932) 511-512.

BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. A buon cantor buon citarista: Rilievi di un otologo sul suono e sulla voce nell'opera di Dante. Roma, 1932. (This is the second edition of BILANCIONI, 1927.)

GRANELL, M. Historia de la Enseñanza del Colegio Nacional de sordomudos. Madrid: Imprenta Sordo Mudos, 1932.

WERNER, Hans. Geschichte des Taubstummenproblems bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Jena: Gustav Fischer (Reviewed by Paul Schumann in Vox 18.3/4 (November 1932):27-29.


KIRKPATRICK, Nita. History and Present Status of the Treatment of Stuttering. M.A. thesis. University of Southern California, 1933.

MILLET, A. Les grammairiens et la phonétique, ou l'enseignement des sons du Français depuis le XVIe siècle jusqu'à nos jours. Paris: J. Monnier. 196 pp.

MONTENOVESI, Ottorino. Il linguaggio dei sordomuti in una pergomena veronese del 1472. In Gli archivi di Stato Italiano (eds.), Ad Alessandro Luzio (pp. 217-222). Miscellanea di studi storici, 2. Firenze: Felice LeMonnier, 1933.


ULRICH, Bernhard. Lautphysiologie an der Wende des Mittelalters zur Neuzeit. Die Stimme 29 (November 1934), Hft. 2, S. 22-23; (December 1934), Hft.3, S. 37-41.

BILANCIONI, Guglielmo. Giulio Casserio. Il Valsalva 10, no. 1 (1934), pp. 83-91.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Das Hören durch die Zähne. Vox 20.1/2. Also in Die medizinische Welt (1934), no.23.


MACHABEY, Armand. Études de musicologie prémédiévale: I. Généralités sur la musique latine à l'époque de Quintilien. Révue de Musicologie 19 (1935) pp. 65-77; "La Culture de la voix," pp. 73-75.


HEFFRON, Pearl Marie. Historical Trends in Theories of Training in Speech Correction. M.A. thesis. Milwaukee, Marquette University.

TEED, W. The Otology of Duverney. Annals of Medical History 8 (1936):453-455.


FROESCHELS, E. Dem Verein für Logopädie und Phoniatrie in Holland zu seinem 10 jahrigen Bestand. Logopaedie en Phoniatrie 9 (1937):70-71.

MOORE, Paul. A Short History of Laryngeal Investigation. Quarterly Journal of Speech 23 (1937), pp. 531-554.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Der 'Wilde Knabe' in seiner Beziehung zu manchen Sprachstörungen in Kindesalter und zu der Entstehung von Mythen.Die Medizinisch Welt (20 Mar. 1937), no.12, p. 410 f.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Das Zungenbändchen -- ein Belang auch des Zahnarztes. Zahnärztliche Rundschau 46, No. 30 (25 Juli 1937), S. 1326-1328; No. 31 (8 August 1937), S. 1397-1405.

SCHOOLFIELD, Lucille D. The Development of Speech Correction in America in the 19th Century.Quarterly Journal of Speech 24 (February 1938), pp. 101-116.

WARNACH, V. Erkennen und Sprechen bei Thomas von Aquin. Divus Thomas, ser. 3, 15 (1937), S.189-218. 1938


FRAMPTON, Merle and ROWELL, Hugh (eds.) Education of the Handicapped 1, 1938, pp. 87-100: "History."

IRIARTE, Mauricio de. Dr. Juan Huarte de San Juan und sein "Examen de Ingenios." Ein Beitrage zur Geschichte der differentiellen Psychologie. Spanische Forschungen der Görresgesellschaft, Reihe 2, Bd. 4. Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1938. (See especially pp. 141-45; 147-48.)

READ, Allen Walker. Speech Defects and Mannerisms among Slaves and Servants in Colonial America. Quarterly Journal of Speech 24 (October 1938), pp. 397-401.

SHELDON, Esther K. Standards of English Pronunciation according to the Grammarians and Orthoepists of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Ph. D. diss. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1938.

SHERRER, Grace B. Francis Mercury van Helmont. A Neglected Seventeenth-century Contribution to the Science of Language. Review of English Studies 14 (1938), pp. 420-427.

WARNACH, V. Das äussere Sprechen und seine Funktionen nach der Lehre des hl. Thomas. Divus Thomas, ser. 3, 16 (1938), 393-419.


KLINGBEIL, G.M. The Historical Background of the Modern Speech Clinic. Journal of Speech Disorders (September 1939), pp. .


BURDIN, Gray. The Surgical Treatment of Stammering, 1840-1841. Journal of Speech Disorders 5 (1940), pp. 43-64.

BURKARDT, Edith J. History and Present Status of the Correction of Stuttering. M.A. thesis, Marquette University, Milwaukee, 1940.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Quellenatlas zur Geschichte der Phonetik. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1940.

SCHUMANN, Paul. Geschichte des Taubstummenwesens, vom deutschen Standpunkt aus dargestellt. Reichsfachschaft 5 im Nazional-Sozialistischen-Lehrerbund. Frankfurt: Diesterweg, 1940.

VAUGHAN, H.S. Congenital Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate, and Associated Nasal Deformities. Philadelphia: Lea & Feibiger, 1940. (Historical: pp. 13-15, with references.)

WEDBERG, Conrad F. Historical Development of Causal Theories and Remedial Procedures in Stuttering. M.A. thesis, University of Redlands, Redlands, California, 1940.


BERNARD, René. Surdité, surdi-mutité et mutismedans le théâtre français. Paris: Rodstein, 1941.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, Jr. Zur Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde. Archiv für Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde 5 (1941), S. 43-45.


BRYANT. Pearl. Speech Re-education in the Nineteenth Century. Ph. D. diss. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1942.

OGILVIE, Mardel. Terminology and Definitions of Speech Defects [English, French, German, 1830-1936]. New York: Columbia Teachers' College, 1942.


BEST, Harry. Deafness and the Deaf in the United States. New York: Macmillan, 1943.

FROESCHELS, Emil. Survey of the Early Literature on Stuttering, Chiefly European. Nervous Child 2 (1943), pp. 86-95. (19th & early 20th c.)

HAHN, Eugene F. Stuttering, Significant Theories and Therapies, Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1943.

NORMAN, H.J. John Bulwer (fl. 1654) the "Chirosopher." Pioneer in the Treatment of the Deaf and Dumb in Psychology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (Section: History of Medicine), 36 (1943), pp. 15-28.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Die Phonetik des Aristoteles. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1943.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Leonardo als Phonetiker. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1943.

VIETS, Henry R. Aphasia as Described by Linnaeus and as Painted by Ribera. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 13 (1943), 328-333.


JOHNSON, W. The Indians Have No Word for It: Stuttering in Children. Quarterly Journal of Speech 30 (1944), pp. 330-337.

JOHNSON, W. The Indians Have No Word for It: Stuttering in Adults. Quarterly Journal of Speech 30 (1944), pp. 456-465,


BERNARD, René. Le bègue sur la scène française. Bibliothèque de la société des Historiens du Théâtre, No. 20. Paris: Librairie E. Droz. (Reprinted with BERNARD, 1941, by Slatkine Reprints, Genève, 1977.)


ALAJOUANINE, Th., and MOZICONACCI, P. Études sur l'aphasie. Semaine des Hôpiteaux 23 (1947), pp. 1221-1239.

RIESE, Walter. The Early History of Aphasia. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 21 (1947). pp. 322-334. (Begins about 1835.)


BANGS, Jack L. A Comprehensive Historical Survey of Concepts regarding Congenital Language Disabilities. Ph.D. diss. University of Iowa, 1949.

LARSON, M. Representative 19th-century Stuttering Therapists. M.A. thesis. University of Denver, 1949.

MAAS, Roger B. The Growth and Development of Speech Correction in Wisconsin. Ed.D. diss. Stanford University, 1949.

STEVENSON, R.S. & GUTHRIE, D. A History of Oto-Laryngology. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone.

VAN DANTZIG, Branco. Die Sigmatismen. Folia Phoniatrica 2 (1949): "Historisches über den Sigmatismus (vor dem Logopädischen Zeitalter)," S. 28-33.


ELIASBERG, Wladimir G. A Contribution to the Pre-History of Aphasia. Journal of the History of Medicine 5 (1950), p. 96ff. (Case of Spalding, 1783).

GARDE, E.J. 2000 ans de théories vocales d'Hippocrate à Lapicque, du larynx au cerveau. Conférences du Palais de la Découverté. Paris, 1950.

KESTER, Dorothy G. The Development of Speech Correction in Organizations and in Schools in the United States in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century. Ph.D. diss. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1950.

NEWMAN, John Benjamin. Joshua Steele. Prosody in Speech Education. Ph.D. diss. New York University, 1950.

REICH, Willi. Historische und ästhetische Grundlagen der Stimmkunst. CIBA-Zeitschrift 11, no. 123 (Oktober 1950), pp. 4515-4521.


HABERMANN, G. Die Taubstummheit und die Spracherziehung der Taubstummen. Zeitung für ärtzliche Fortbildung 45.7 (1951):204-213.

KARCHER, J. and BÜSS, H. Geschichtliche Notizien zur Frage der Beteiligung des Nervus accessoriusWillisii an den Stimmbildung. Folia Phoniatrica 3 (1951):5-81.

LUCHSINGER, Richard. Zur Geschichte der Phoniatrie im 18. Jahrhundert. Folia Phoniatrica 3 (1951), S. 178-183. (On David Bazin.)

OMBREDANE, A. L'Aphasie et l'élaboration de la pensée explicite. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951. (A large part of this book deals with the history of ideas on language disorders.)


BUYS, William Ernest. Speech Education of the English Gentleman in Tudor Behavior Books. Ph.D. diss. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1952.

GARDE, E.J. Toujours du larynx au cerveau: le neuro-phoniatrie. Conférences du Palais de la Découverté, sér. A, no. 156. Paris, 1952.

WEST, Gertrude May. The Growth and Development of Speech Pathology and Audiology in the United States during the First Twenty Years of the Twentieth Century. M.A. thesis. State University of Iowa, 1952.

WILKINS, Joyce. Speech Therapy in Great Britain. Quarterly Journal of Speech 38 (1952), pp. 415-422.


MOORE, Paul, and KESTER, Dorothy. Historical Notes on Speech Correction in the Pre-Association Era. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 18 (March 1953), pp. 48-53.


BAKER, Elmer E. An Historical Development of Etiological Concepts concerning Aphasic Speech and Their Influence upon Aphasic Speech Rehabilitation. Ph. D. diss. New York University, 1954.

BRONSTEIN, Arthur J. Nineteenth-century Attitudes towards Pronunciation. Quarterly Journal of Speech 40 (1954), pp. 417-421.

GOERTTLER, Kurt. Die Entdeckung der menschlichen Glottis als descendenz-theoretisches Problem. Homo 5, Hft. 2-4 (1954).

HOFF, H.E., GUILLEMIN, R., and GEDDES, L. An 18th-century Scientist's Observations on His Own Aphasia. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 32 (1954), pp. 446-450.

MERRITT, Francine. Werner's Magazine -- Pioneer Speech Journal. Ph.D. diss. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1954.

RIESE, Walter. Auto-observation of Aphasia. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 28 (1954):237-242.


HEESE, G. Fünfzig Jahre Sprachheilkunde als Universitätslehrfach (mit Gutzmann-Bibliographie). Wissensch. Ztschr. HU Berlin, Ges.-Sprachwiss R. 4 (1954/55) 81-87.


Chronik des städtischen Instituts für Stimm- und Sprachflege Karl-Marx-Stadt. 1955.

RIESE, W. Hughling Jackson's Doctrine of Aphasia and Its Significance Today. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease vol. ? pp.1-13.


KINDLER, W. Die Geschichte der Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie in Berlin. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1956.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Leonardo's Work in Phonetics and Linguistics. In: Istituto Geografico De Agostini (eds.), Leonardo Da Vinci. New York: Reynal, 1956, pp. 399-404.

SCHOLZ, W. Die Bedeutung Hermann Gutzmanns in seiner Zeit und heute. Folia Phoniatrica 8 (1956), pp. 58-62.


BLUEMEL, C.S. The Riddle of Stuttering. ----, Illinois: Interstate Publishing Co., 1957. (Historical: pp. 130-137.)

ESTEBAN, J. Los Orígenes de la Laringología: Homenaje a Manuel García. Madrid: Estades, 1957 (pp. 135-159).

MENA, J. Estado actual de la logopedía en España. X Proceed. IALP, Barcelona (1957):112-117.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Leonardo da Vinci als Zeichner von Deformationen der peripheren Sprachwerkzeuge. Münchner Medizinischer Wochenschrift (1957), pp. 1960-19??

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Earlier History of Phonetics. In /b>Manual of Phonetics, ed. Louise KAYSER, 1st ed. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1957, pp. 3-17.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Entstehung und Entwicklung der bildischen Darstellung des Kehlkopfes. Folia Phoniatrica 9 (1957):1-10.


BOLTON, Janet. A Historical Study of English Theories and Precepts of Vocal and Gestural Expressiveness from Stephen Hawes to John Bulwer (1509-1644). Ph.D. diss. University of Southern California at Los Angeles, 1958.

FREUD, Esti. Un siglo de investigación de la afasia. Anales de Fonología y Audiología 3 (1958):248-260.

LEIBOWITZ, Joshua O. Amatus Lusitanus and the Obturator in Cleft Palates. Journal of the History of Medicine 13 (1958), pp. 492-503.

WRAY, E. A History of Speech Therapy in Australia. Paper presented at the Pan-Pacific Rehabilitation Conference, 1958. Published by the Australian Advisory Council for the Physically Handicapped.


ARNOLD, Godfrey E. Altperuanische Keramik als Zeugnis für die Geschichte der Phonetik und Phoniatrie. In Festgabe für G. Panconcelli-Calzia zum 80. Geburtstag (Hrsg. U. Feyer und P. Martens). Zeitschrift Phonetik 12 (1959).

BALCER, Charles L. The Vocal Aspect of Delivery Traced through Representative Works in Rhetoric and Public Speaking -- Aristotle to Rush. Central States Speech Journal 11 (Autumn 1959), 27-34.

BERNDORFER, A. Die Sprachstörungen im pädiatrischen Werk des Hieronymus Mercurialis, vom modernen logopädischen Gesichtspunkt aus betrachtet. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 8 (1959), pp. 235-238.

CRITCHLEY, E. MacDonald. The Study of Language Disorders Past and Present. In Squibb Centennial Lectures, New York, 1959, pp. 269-292.

CULLUM, I.M. An Old Wives' Tale. British Medical Journal (19 September 1959), pp. 497-498. (See volume index for additions.)

O'CONNELL, Cornelius Dermot. The Birth and Growth of a Specialty (Laryngology). Irish Journal of Medical Science (May 1959), pp. 215-227.

PERELLó, Jorge. Carlos V y la pronunciación española. Anales de Medicina [sect. "Medicina"] 65(1959), pp. 105-114.

STONE, Alice Virginia. Henry Head: His Contribution to the Study of Aphasia. Ph.D. diss. Columbia University, New York, 1959.


ANON. F. Wethlo (obituary). Zeitschrift f. Phonetik u. allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 113 (1960) 93-97.

BENDER, Ruth E. The Conquest of Deafness. Cleveland: Western Reserve University Press, 1960.

BENTON, Arthur L., and JOYNT, Robert J. Early Descriptions of Aphasia. Archives of Neurology 3 (1960), pp. 205-222.

BLUEMEL, C.S. Concepts of Stammering: A Century in Review. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 25 (1960), pp. 24-32.

FELDMANN, H. Geschichte Entwicklung Hörprüfung. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1960.

GUTZMANN, H. jun. Die Entwicklung der Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde an der F.-W.-Universität zu Berlin von der Reichsgründung bis 1945. Studium Berolinense, 1960, S. 273-280.

LEITES, E. Die logopädischen Veröffentlichungen in der "Vox."; {Journal??} 5: 213-222.

MOSER, H.M. et al. Historical Aspects of Manual Communication. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 25 (1960):145-151.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. Zur Geschichte der Phoniatrie. Kongressbericht ... Phonetik, Hamburg (1960):15-21.

SEEMAN, Miloslav. Historisches zur Entstehung der Phoniatrie. Kongressbericht der Gemeinschaftstagung für allgemeine und angewandte Phonetik, Hamburg (1960):30-31.

STEWART, Joseph L. The Problem of Stuttering in Certain North American Indian Societies. Speech and Hearing Disorders monograph supplement vi. Washington, DC: American Speech and Hearing Association, 1960. (87 pp.)

ZUMSTEEG, Harold. Rückschau auf ärztliche Tätigkeit in der Sprachheilpädagogik. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik 12 (1960):607-612.


BERRUECOS, P. Otología y audiología. Laringología y foniatría. Sus orígenes y sus relaciones, sus campos y sus limitaciones. Acta Audiológica Foniátrica Hispano-Americana 3 (1961):101-116.

BOMBOIS, E. Paul Broca décrit (août, 1861) l'aphémie appelée depuis l'aphasie. Progrès Medical 89 (1961), pp. 291-292.

MAHLER, Lore. Der sprachgestörte Mensch in der schönen Literatur. Heidelburg, 1961. Maschinenschrift, 66 Blätter. (Archiv des Studienseminars für Taubstummenlehrer,Heidelberg.)

MICHELONI, Placido. La correlazione fra voce e carattere nel giudizio di autori antichi e moderni. Atti e memorie dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria (=suppl. to Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia, e Scienze Affini) 60 (1961), pp. 50-53.

O'MALLEY, C. and CLARKE, E. The Discovery of the Auditory Ossicles. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 35 (1961):419-441.

PANCONCELLI-CALZIA, Giulio. 3000 Jahre Stimmforschung: Die Wiederkehr des Gleichen. Marburg: Elwert, 1961.

RASMUS, Ward. Voice and Diction: Historical Perspective. Quarterly Journal of Speech 47, no. 3 (October 1961), pp. 253-261.


AULIZIO, F. La pediatria nell'Umanesimo e nel Rinascimento con particolare referimento a G. Mercuriale. Il Lattante (Parma), fasc. 2 (1962).

BAUMGARTEN, H. Galen über die Stimme. Ph.D. diss. Göttingen Univ., 1962.

CRITCHLEY, E. MacDonald. Dr. Samuel Johnson's Aphasia. Medical History 6 (1962):27-44.

LEICHER, H. 1962. Zum 40. Todestag von Hermann Gutzmann sen. Zeitschrift f. Laryngologie u. Rhinologie 41 (1962) 733-734.

MORRICONE, A. I primi tentativi di cura del labbro leporino. Storia della Medicina 6.4 (1962):51-62.

PETELLE, John Lawrence. Speech and the English Gentleman in the 17th Century. Ph.D. diss. University of Minnesota, 1962.

PETERSEN, H. Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Logopädie, 1942-1962. Zurich, 1962.

SYKES, George. The Growth and Development of Speech Therapy in Great Britain, 1894-1962. Dundee, Scotland, St. Andrews University, unpublished B.A. thesis in Education.

UNGEHEURER, G. Elemente eine Akustisch Theorie. Berlin: Springer, 1962. S. 1-29.

VOS, A.L. Tradition and Innovation in Petrus Montanus, The Art of Speech. Ph.D. diss. University of Edinburgh, 1962.

VOZZA, J.V. Historiografía del exámen laríngeo. Acta Otorinolaringológica Ibero-Americana 13 (1962):77-89.


BETÉS POLO, Luisa Elena. Historia de la Logopedía en España. Acta Oto-Rino-Laringológico Ibero-Americana 14 (1963), PP. 77-104.

BENTON, Arthur L., & JOYNT, Robert J. Three Pioneers in the Study of Aphasia. Journal of the History of Medicine 18 (1963), pp. 381-383.

BOREL, S. Des origines du statut légal.Rééducation Orthophonique 1 (1963):4-13.

FRANCIS, W.W. Repair of Cleft Palate by Philibert Roun in 1819. Journal of the History of Medicine 18 (1963):209.

GREENBLATT, S.H. Hughlings Jackson's First Encounter with the Work of P. Broca. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 44 (1970):556-570.

MÜLLER-HEUSER, Franz. Vox Humana. Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung, Bd. 26. Regensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1963. (Medieval ideas about voice production: pp. 118-124.)

PRITCHARD, D.G. Education of the Handicapped, 1760-1960. , 1963, pp. 212-213.

SANKARAM, C.R. Process of Speech. Poona: Deccan College, 1963 (76 pp.) (Discusses the Tamil text Tolkappiyam.)

STOOKEY, Byron. Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud and Ernest Aubertin -- Early Studies on Cerebral Localization and the Speech Center. Journal of the American Medical Association 184 (1963), pp. 1024-1029.

VÉRTES, András O. Phonetisches in den Hochschulvorlesungen des Albertus Magnus.Phonetica 10 (1963), pp. 80-91.


BAY, E. The History of Aphasia and the Principles of Cerebral Localization. In Cerebral Localization and Organization, ed. G. Schaltembrand & C. N. Woolsey. Madison & Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964, pp. 44-52; discussion, pp. 53-65.

BENTON, Arthur L. & JOYNT, Robert J. Contributions to Aphasia before Broca. Cortex 3 (1964): .

HOLMBERG, Börje. On the Concept of Standard English and the History of Modern English Pronunciation. Lunds Universitets Aarsskrift, N.7. Avd. 1. Bd. 56. Nr. 3. Lund: Haakan Ohlsson, 1964.

MOSES, Elbert R. Phonetics: History and Interpretation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964.

O'NEILL, Ynez Violé. A Consideration of Theories on Speech from Earliest Times through the 16th Century. Ph.D. diss. University of California at Los Angeles, 1964. (184 pp.)

RODIS-LEWIS, G. Le domaine propre de l'homme chez les cartésians. Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1964):157-188.

ROGERS, B.O. Harelip Control in Colonial America: A Review of 18th-century and Earlier Techniques. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 34 (1964), pp. 142-162.


BARDUAGNI, A. Galeno Ascriptus Liber De Voce et Anhelitu. Storia della Medicina 9.6 (1965):39-51.

BENTON, A. Johann A.P. Gesner on Aphasia. Medical History 9 (1965):54-60.

DAOUD, S. Ali. Voice and Speech in the Writings of Three Medical Writers of the 10th Century: Rhazes, Haly-Abbas, and Avicenna. In De Therapia Vocis et Loquelae: Societatis Internationalis Logopaediae et Phoniatriae XIII Congressus Vindobonae anno MCMLXV Acta, vol. 2 (pp. 237-239). Vienna: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Logopädie und Phoniatrie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sprachheilpädagogen in Österreich, Wiener Medizinische Akademie, 1965.

FLOWERS, Elsie Ann Moore. Developments in Speech Pathology in America, 1925-1950. Ed.D. diss. University of Virginia, 1965. (481 pp.)

HABERMANN, G. Der Dichter Arthur Schnitzler und die Phoniatrie. In De Therapia Vocis et Loquelae: Societatis Internationalis Logopaediae et Phoniatriae XIII Congressus Vindobonae anno MCMLXV Acta, vol. 2 (pp. 245-251). Vienna: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Logopädie und Phoniatrie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sprachheilpädagogen in Österreich, Wiener Medizinische Akademie, 1965.

RIEBER, R.W. Introduction to J.C. Amman, A Dissertation on Speech (1700), trans. Charles Baker, 1873. Reprinted Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1965, pp. v-ix.

RIEBER, R.W. Psychological Contributions to Logopedics in the 18th Century. In De TherapiaVocis et Loquelae: Societatis Internationalis Logopaediae et Phoniatriae XIII CongressusVindobonae anno MCMLXV Acta, vol. 2 (pp. 241-244). Vienna:Österreichische Gesellschaft für Logopädie und Phoniatrie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sprachheilpädagogen in Österreich, Wiener Medizinische Akademie, 1965.


AL-GEORGE, Sergiu. La fonction révélatrice des consonnes chez les phonéticiens de l'Inde antique. Cahiers de Linguistique Théorique et áppliquée (Bucharest) 3 (1966), pp. 11-15.

BLACK, M.E. The Origins and Status of Speech Therapy in the Schools. Journal of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) 8 (November 1966), pp. 419-425.

FINNEY, Gretchen L. Medical Theories of Vocal Exercise and Health. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 40 (1966), pp. 395-406.

First Symposium on Pre-Columbian Dermatology (report). New York Physician and American Medicine 83, no. 2 (May 1966), p. 13. (A plastic surgeon spoke on cleft palate and harelip in pre-Columbian America.)

FREUND, Henry. Psychopathology and the Problem of Stuttering. Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas, 1966, pp. 5-35.

FROESCHELS, Emil. The New York Society for Speech and Voice Therapy in its Twentieth Year. Folia Phoniatrica 18 (1966), p. 303-306.

KHOO, Boo-Chai. An Ancient Chinese Text on Cleft Lip. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 38 (1966), pp. 89-91.

MARX, Otto M. Aphasia Studies and Language Theory in the 19th Century. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 40 (1966):328-349.

McALLISTER, A.H. Speech Therapy Comes of Age. British Journal of Disorders of Communication 1 (1966):3-10.

QUIRóS, J.B. La Comunicación humana y su patología. Buenos Aires, C.M.I., 1966.

RÉVÉSZ, Géza. Speech Pathology in Hungary. In Speech Pathology, ed. R.W. Rieber and R.S. Brubaker. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1966.

RIEBER, R.W., and FROESCHELS, E. An Historical Review of the European Literature in Speech Pathology. In Speech Pathology, ed. R.W. Rieber & R.S. Brubaker. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1966, pp. 5-41.

SCHILLING, A. Speech Pathology. [on the scientific work of German phoniatrists since World War II.] In Speech Pathology, ed. R.W. Rieber and R.S. Brubaker.Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1966.

SCHOLZ, H.J. Zur Geschichte der Palatographie. Phonetica 15 (1966):110-121.


HABERMANN, G. Über die Sprachstörung des Nottker "Balbulus" und zu anderen sprachbezüglichen Namensattributen in Mittelalter. Folia Phoniatrica 19, 3 (1967), S. 220-227.

HERRMANN, A. Rückblick über 50 Tagungen der Vereinigung Südwestdeutschen Hals-Näse-Ohrische Ärzte. Zeitschrift für Laryngologie, Rhinologie und Otologie. 46 (1967):309-324.

MARX, Otto. The History of the Biological Basis of Language. In Eric H. Lenneberg, The Biological Foundations of Language. New York: John Wiley, 1967, pp. 443-469.

MITRINOWICZ-MODRZJOWSKA, A. The Development of Audiology, Phoniatry and Logopedics in Poland. Polish Medical Scientific History Bulletin 10 (1967), pp. 99-101.

SEGRE, R. La Fono audiología en la Argentina. Fonoaudiológica 13 (1967):8-12.

SEGRE, R. Phono-Audiology in Argentina. ASHA 9, no. 12 (1967):482-485.

STANFORD, W.B. The Sound of Greek: Studies in the Greek Theory and Practice of Euphony. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967. (See especially pp. 140-144.)


ARAUZ, S. Evolución de la Audiometría en los últimos veinte años. Fonoaudiológica, supl. (1968):11-14.

CHOMSKY, Noam. Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968. (Huarte, pp. 8-9.)

CROMBIE, A.C. Mathematics, Music, and Medical Science. In Actes du XIIe Congrès Internationald'Histoire des Sciences, Paris, 1968 (pp. 295-310). Paris: Albert Blanchard, 1968.

ELDRIDGE, Margaret. A History of the Treatment of Speech Disorders. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1968.

FINNEY, Gretchen L. Vocal Exercise in the 16th Century Related to Theories of Physiology and Disease. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 42 (1968), pp. 422-449.

GANE, G.M. and Margill, B. Speech Therapy in New Zealand. British Journal of Disorders of Communication 3 (1968):196-200.

GARNETT, C.B. The Exchange of Letters between Samuel Heinicke and Abbé Charles Michel de l'Épée, 1968.

GIRBAL, Pierre Clair and GIRBAL, François. Étude bio-bibliographique sur Cordemoy. In Oeuvres Philosophiques (de Giraud de Cordemoy) . . . Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968.

GUTZMANN, Hermann, junior. Geschichte der Phoniatrie. Manuscript. (Cited in Zehmisch, Siegert & Wendler 1979:24.)

KITTEL, G. 20 Jahre Folia Phoniatrica. Folia Phoniatrica 20 (1968):1-6.

RODIS-LEWIS, G. Un théoricien du langage au XVIIe siècle: Bernard Lamy. Le Français Moderne 1 (1968):19-50.

STEVENSON, L.G. The Surgery of Stammering: A Forgotten Enthusiasm of the 19th Century. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 42 (1968), pp. 527-554.

SOMVILLE, Marilyn Elizabeth Feller. Vowels and Consonants as Factors in Early Singing Style and Technique. Ph.D. diss. Stanford University, 1968. (210 pp.)


BORMANN, Ernest G. "Ephphathe, or Some Advice to Stammerers." Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 12 (1969), pp. 453-461. (On Cotton Mather, 1724.)

FRITZELL, Björn. The Velopharyngeal Muscles in Speech: An Electromyographic Study. Göteborg, 1969. [Also published as Supplement 250 to Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 1969.] (Historical: pp. 6-20.)

HABERMANN, G. Zur Geschichte des Kehlkopfspiegel.HNO 17 (1969):257-261.

HÉCAEN, H., and DUBOIS, J. La naissance de la neuropsychologie du langage . . . (Textes et documents). Paris, 1969. (From Bouillaud to Broca.)

JANSSON, G.A. and WYKES, B. Deus ex Machina Vocis: An analysis of the Laryngeal Reflex Mechanisms of Speech. British Journal of Disorders of Communication 4 (April 1969), pp. 3-25.


BARCINSKI, J. Przemyslaw Pieniazek, Franciszek Nowotny i Antoni Jurasz, Sen., pionerzy laryngologii i otologii swiatowej. Arch. Hist.Med. 33 (1970), 409-413.

BIESALSKI, P. Über den Standpunkt und die Ziele der Phoniatrie in Deutschland. Folia Phoniatrica 22 (1970):445-448.

BLUMENTHAL, Arthur L. Language and Psychology. Historical Aspects of Psycholinguistics. New York: John Wiley & Son, 1970. (Consists mostly of excerpts of significant texts.)

CRITCHLEY, E. MacDonald. Aphasiology and Other Aspects of Language. London: Edward Arnold, 1970. (Historical: pp. 41-125.)

DUBOIS, Claude-Gillert. Mythe et langage au XVIe siècle. Bordeaux: Ducros, passim.

ERMOLAEV, V.G. [Development of Phoniatrics as One Index of a Constantly Rising Level of the People's Cultural Wealth: (in Russian).] Vestnik oto-rino-laringologii 32 (May 1970), pp. 3-10.

JACOB, A. Les exigences théoriques de la linguistique selon G. Guillaume. Paris: Klincksieck, 1970.

LOEBELL, E. Prof. Dr. R. Luchsinger zum 70. Geburtstag. Folia Phoniatrica 22 (1970) 161-163.

PADEN, E.P. A History of ASHA, 1925-1958. Washington, D.C.: American Speech and Hearing Association, 1970.

SCHILTKNECHT, H. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi und die Taubstummenpädagogik. Berlin-Charlottenburg: Marhold, 1970.

VAN RIPER, Charles. Historical Approaches. In Stuttering: Research and Therapy, ed. Joseph Sheehan. New York, 1970, pp. 38-57.

STROPPIANA, L. Il trattato di Galeno sulla sezione degli organi che articolano i suoni. Rivista di Storia di Medicina 14 (1970):131-136.

WILLIAMS, J. David. Speech and Language in the Phillipines. Diliman Review 18, no. 3 (July 1970), pp. 248-258. (Speech correction: 253-257.)

ZWIRNER, Eberhard, and ZWIRNER, Kurt. Principles of Phonometrics, trans. H. Bluhme. College, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1970. (Historical: pp. 18-32.)


COLE, M.F., and COLE, M. (eds.). Pierre Marie's Papers on Speech Disorders. New York: Hafner, 1971.

JUTZI, A. [Fifty-one letters from Charles Kingsley to James Hunt.] Huntington Library Quarterly 34 (May 1971), pp. 289-290.

KRAHULEC, I. K histórii foniatrie na slovensku. Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologicka Spolecnost 20 (Dec. 1971), 260-261.

MULLETT, Charles F. "An Arte to Make the Dumbe to Speake, the Deafe to Heare": A Seventeenth-century Goal. Journal of the History of Medicine 26, no. 2 (1971), pp. 123-149.

SEEMAN, Miloslav, and NOVáK, A. Dejinyavyvoj foniatrie v CSS. Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologicka Spolecnost 20 (Dec. 1971), 258-260.

VAN RIPER, Charles. The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971. (Historical: pp. 285-288; 335-338.)


GORDOSNÉ-SZABó, A. [The Development of Logopedics in Hungary.] A Gyógypedagógiai Tanárképtzö Föiskola Érkönyve v. Budapest, 1972, pp. 479-500 (in Hungarian).

GOTTESMAN, Alison Coudert. Francis Mercurius Van Helmont: His Life and Thought. Ph.D. diss. University of London, 1972.

GUPTA, Moti Lal. Ancient Indian Conception of Acoustic Speech Signal and Its Perception. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Montreal, 1971), (pp. 521-531). The Hague: Mouton, 1972.

HENNEBERT, D. Contribution belge a l'audiophonologie. Journal Français del'Otorhinolaryngologie 21 (1972):747-750.

KAGAN, Marian Gross. An Historical Approach to Some of the Current Concerns surrounding Methodologies for Teaching Oral Language to Nonverbal Children. Ed.D. diss. Boston University, 1972.

KEMP, J.A. Introduction to John WALLIS, Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae [1653]. London: Longmans, 1972.

METELLUS, J. Sur l'aphasie du 16e siècle à nos jours. Rééducation Orthophonique 10 (1972):221-258.

MUSSAFIA, M. Quarante années de logopédie. Louvain, no publisher given, 1972.

PERELLó, Jorge. Lexicón de comunicología. Barcelona: Augusta, 1972 (pp.679-858).

RIESE, Walter. Baudelaire as a Victim of Aphasia. Translations and Interpretations of Major Texts as Quoted by E.J. Crépet. Episteme 6, no. 3/4 (July/December 1972), pp. 305-317.

ROBBINS, S.D., SIES, L.F., et al. Samuel D. Robbins' Autobiographical Reminiscences. Journal of the American Speech and Hearing Association(ASHA) 14 (August 1972), pp. 395-398.

ROSS, Barbara (ed.) Introduction to Géraud de CORDEMOY, A Philosophical Discourse concerning Speech [1668] . . . Delmar, New York: Scholars Facsimile, 1972.

SCHWIMMER, A.E. and SIES, L.F. Samuel Dowse Robbins' Account of the Origin of Speech Therapy in America. Journal of Communication Disorders 5 (1972):373-383.

UNITED KINGDOM. Department of Education and Science. Speech Therapy Services. 1972. (pp. 4-9.), 1972

SOKOLOV, A.N. Inner Speech and Thought. Trans. George T. Onischenko, ed. by Donald B. Lindsley. New York: Plenum (pp. 11-52).


BENTON, A.L. and JOYNT, R.J. Primeras descripciones de la afasia. Acta Audiologica Fonetica Hispanoamericana 10 (1973):1-31.

CONDE JAHN, F. Sordera y celebridad. Acta Audiologica Fonética Hispanoamericana 10 (1973):33-47.

DIRNBERGER, W. Entwicklung, Stand und Neugestaltung des Sprachheilwesens in Deutschland, mit einem Plan für ein umfassendes Rehabilitationssystem zur Umgestaltung der Sprachheilschule München. Hannover: Schroedel, 1973 (211 pp.)

HANDZEL, Leon. Wroclaw Phoniatrics in the Past Twenty Years. Folia Phoniatrica 25 (1973), pp.155-158.

LóPEZ-PIÑERO, J.M. Los trastornos del lenguaje en la obra de John Hughlings Jackson. In Actas del IV Congreso Español de Historia de la Medicina.Granada, 24-26 de abril de 1973. Vol. 2, pp. 49-54.

MARAIS, M.J. An Historical Review of Speech Therapy Services in the Transvaal, 1917-1973. Education Bulletin 17 (1973), pp. 77-86.

MURUGAIYAN, K. Articulation as Described by Tamil Grammarians. Journal of Tamil Studies 3 (1973), pp. 44-55.

PEREZ de URBEL, Justo. Fray Pedro Ponce de León yel Origen del Arte de Enseñar a Hablar a los Mudos. Madrid: Editorial Obras Selectas, 1973.

SEEMAN, Miloslav & M. Lastovka. Die Anfänge der europäische Phoniatrie und die Hauptrichtungen ihrer Entwicklungen. Referat II. UEP-Kongress, Prag 1973 (Manuscript). Cited ib Zehmisch, Siegert & Wendler 1979:25.)

VLASOVA, N.A. [The 40th Anniversary of the Children's Speech Therapy Day Hospital of the Z.P. Solov'ev Hospital.] Zhurnal Nevropatol. Psikhiatr. 73 (1973), pp. 1585-1586. (In Russian.)

WILDGEN, W. Francis Van Helmont (1614-1699): His Contribution to Phonetics. Language Sciences, no. 24 (February 1973), pp. 7-10.


BÖHME, G. Stimm-, Sprech-, und Sprachstörungen; Aetiologie, Diagnostik, Therapie. Stuttgart: Fischer, 1974. ("Zur Geschichte," pp. 1-7.)

CHAVES, Teresa L, and SOLER, Jorge L. Pedro Ponce de León, First Teacher of the Deaf. Sign Language Studies 5 (1974):48-59.

COERS, C. Histoire de l'aphasie et tentatives de classification des troubles du langage. Le Langage et l'Homme [Brussels] (24 Janvier 1974), pp. 7-16.

LEJSKA, V. Deset let foniatrického oddelení v Kyjove. Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologicka Spolecnost 23.1 (Feb. 1974), 55-58.

MOYA, G. Apuntes para una historia de la afasia.Revista Española de Subnormalidad 4.3 (1974):75-121.

TURNER, G. L'E. Henry Baker, F.R.S. Founder of the Bakerian Lecture. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 29 (1974), pp. 53-78.

VAN RIPER, C. Stuttering: Where and Whither? Journal of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) 16, no. 9 (September 1974), pp. 483-487.


AUSTERLITZ, Robert. Historiography of Phonetics: A Bibliography. Current Trends in Linguistics 13 (1975), pp. 1179-1209.

[Author unknown.] Re-education Techniques in Speech Correction by H.J. Heltman of the Speech Clinic, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 40, no. 3 (August 1975), pp. 284-289.

KRAHULEC, I. Bernhard Ramazzini priekopnik a zakladatel odbornej foniatrickej literatúry.Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologiscka Spolecnost 24.3 (June 1975), 182-19184.

LORBER, C.G. Die Bedeutung Lorenz Heisters in der Haasenschartenchirurgie. Medizin histor. Journal 10 (1975):81-93.

MOELLER, Dorothy. Speech Pathology and Audiology:Iowa Origins of a Discipline. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1975. (225 pp.)

PADEN, E.P. ASHA in Retrospect. Fiftieth Anniversary Reflections. Journal of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) 17, no. 7 (July 1975), p. 439; no. 8 (August 1975), p. 499; no. 9 (September 1975), pp. 571-572; no. 10 (October 1975, pp. 727-728; no. 11 (November 1975), p. 795.

QUIRóS, J.B. La Comunicación humana y su patología. ed. 2a. Buenos Aires: C.M., 1975.

READ, Malcolm K. A Re-appraisal of Juan Huarte's Concept of Creativity. Revista Española de Lingüistica 5.2 (1975), pp. 423-432.

RIEBER, R.W. and WOLLOCK, Jeffrey L. Introduction to William HOLDER, Elements of Speech: An Essay of Inquiry into the Natural Production of Letters. New York: AMS Press, 1975.


BREKLE, Herbert E. Quelques aspects linguistiques et psychologiques dans le Discours physique de la parole (1677) de Géraud de Cordemoy. In In Memoriam Friedrich Diez: Akten des Kolloquiums zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Romantistik, Trier, 2-4 October 1975 (pp. 61-76), ed. Hans-Josef Niederehe und Harald Haarman, unter Mitarbeit von Liliane Rouday. Studies in the History of Linguistics, 3. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1976.

ESCHER, Ursula. Geschichte und heutiger Stand des Sprachheilwesens in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Aus-,Weiter-, und Fortbildung von logopädischen Fachpersonal. Formen und Führen, 29. Luzern: Institut für Heilpädagogik, 1976 (112 pp.)

EWERTSEN, H.W. in Danish Audiology, 1951-1976. Ed. by O. Bentzen, pp. 1-17. Copenhagen: Busck.

LINCK, H.-A. Die Geschichte der Rheinischen Landesklinik für Sprachgestörte. In Interdisziplinäre Aspekte der Aphasieforschung: Festschrift Anton Leischner. Köln, Bonn, 1976.

PERELLó, Jorge. The History of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 1924-1976. Barcelona: Editorial Augusta, 1976.

PERELLó, Jorge. Historia de la Fono audiologia. En J. Perelló, Fundamentos Audiofoniátricos (pp. 49-83), Barcelona: Científico-Médica, 1976.

CHAKRAVORTY, R.C. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell -- Audiologist and Speech Therapist. Archiv. Otolaryngol. 102, no. 9 (September 1976), pp. 574-575.

WINGATE, Marcel E. Stuttering. New York, 1976. (Historical: pp. 129-141; 153-156; 279-293.)


BACHMAN, W. Biographies of Hungarian Special Educators. Rheinstetten, W. Germany: Schindele, 1977.

EGGERT, Gertrude H. Wernicke's Works on Aphasia: A Sourcebook and Review. Janua Linguarum: series major, 28. The Hague: Mouton, 1977.

HABERMANN, G. Demosthenes und seine Sprachstörungen. Sprach-Stimme-Gehör 1 (1977), S. 123-126.

KATZ, Murray. Survey of Patented Anti-Stuttering Devices. Journal of Communication Disorders 10 (1977), pp. 181-206.

KRAHULEC, I. Rozvoj foniatrie v 6. patrocnici no Slovensku. Ceskoslovenska Otolaryngologicka Spolecnost 26.6 (December 1977), 321-323.

MOORE, G.P. Have the Major Issues in Voice Disorders Been Answered by Research in Speech Science? A Fifty-Year Retrospective. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 42.2 (May 1977), pp. 152-160.

PAPPAS, D.G. The Origins of Aural Instruments. American Journal of Otology 1 (1977):121-124.

READ, Malcolm K. Linguistic Theory and the Problem of Mutism. The Contributions of Juan Pablo Bonet and Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro. Historiographia Linguistica 4, no. 3 (1977), pp. 303-318.

RIEBER, R.W., ed. The Problem of Stuttering: Theory and Therapy. New York: Elsevier. (Contains Rieber & Wollock 1977 and several other historical items in Part II.)

RIEBER, R.W., and WOLLOCK, Jeffrey. The Historical Roots of the Theory and Therapy of Stuttering. Journal of Communication Disorders 10 (1977), pp. 3-24. (Also in Rieber 1977.)

RIESE, Walter (ed.). Selected Papers on the History of Aphasia. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1977.

ROCKEY, Denyse. The Logopedic Thought of John Thelwall, 1764-1834: First British Speech Therapist. British Journal of Disorders of Communication 12, no. 2 (October 1977), pp. 83-95.

TORRE, Esteban. Ideas Lingüisticas y Literarias del Doctor Huarte de San Juan. Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1977.

TRENSCHEL, Walter. Das Phänomen der Nasalität: Darstellung der Theorien und Untersuchung einer Laut- und Klangerscheinung in der Geschichte der Phonetik und Phoniatrie, der Gesangspädagogik und Spracherziehung. Schriften zur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, Nr. 17. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1977. (188 pp.) A revision of the author's doctoral dissertation, Halle, 1967.

VASILENKO, Yu. S. [The Development of Phoniatrics in the U.S.S.R. over the Last Sixty Years (in Russian).] Vestnik Oto-rino-laringologii [Moscow] November-December 1977, 82-90.

WENDLER, J. Lehrbuch der Phoniatrie. Leipzig: Thieme, 1977. S. 15-21.

WOLLOCK, Jeffrey (ed. & transl.) Hieronymus MERCURIALIS: De Morbis Puerorum lib. II, cap. 8. Journal of Communication Disorders 10 (1977), pp. 127-140.


[Author unknown.] Neurophysiological Dominance: Lee Edward Travers. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 43, no. 3(August 1978), pp. 275-277.

BLOOM, L. Notes for a History of Speech Pathology. Psychoanalytic Review 65, no. 3 (Fall 1978), pp. 432-463.

COUDERT, Alison. (See also GOTTESMAN, 1972.) Some Theories of a Natural Language from the Renaissance to the Seventeenth Century. In Magia Naturalis und die Entstehung der modernen Naturwissenschaften. Symposion der Leibniz-Gesellschaft, Hannover, 14. und 15. Nov. 1975 (pp. 56-118). Studia Leibnitiana, Sonderheft 7. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1978.

DIECKHOEFER, K. Juan Huarte de San Juan und seine Bedeutung für die differentialle Psychologie. Zeitschrift für klinischen Psychologie und Psychotherapie 26 (1978):207-214.

DROIXHE, Daniel. La Linguistique et l'appel del'histoire (1600-1800). Genève/Paris: Droz, 1978. (II.2.A.: Cordemoy, pp. 249-275.)

GARCIA-BALLESTER, L., OLAGUE, G., and CIGES, M. Classics in Modern Otology. Granada: University of Granada Press, 1978.

JAROSZ, A. [Wroclaw Phoniatry in the Past 25 Years (in Polish).] Otolaryngologia Polska (Warsaw), 32, no. 6 (1978), pp. 663-665.

KOERNER, E.F.K. Toward a Historiography of Phonetics. Hamburger Phonetische Beiträge 25 (1978) S. 221-237.

MOORES, Donald F. Educating the Deaf; Psychology, Principles and Practices. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1978.

PENN, C. Speech Pathology and Audiology in South Africa -- Past, Present and Future Prospectives.In Language and Communication Studies in South Africa, ed. L.W. Lanham and K.P. Prinsloo. Capetown: Oxford University Press, 1978.


BECKER, K.P., and SOV*K, M. Lehrbuch der Logopädie. 2. Auflage. Königstein/Taunus: Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Scriptor, Hanstein, 1979. (Historisches: S. 31-48.)

BIESALSKI, P., and ARENTSSCHILD, O. von. Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Berlin (West). In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren vonHermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.59-74), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

BOGDAN, C., and HOCIOTA, D. Sozialistische Republik Rumänien. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(S.155-162), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

BORCHGREVINK, H.M. Norway. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(pp.130-133), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

BRODNITZ, F.S. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.234-238), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

CAPREZ, O. Schweiz. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(S.163-175), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

CROATTO, Lucio. Italy. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (insert, 6 pp.), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

DMITRIEV, L.B., and TAPTAPOVA, S.L. Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.220-233), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

DUFFY, R.J., et al. A Translation of Finkelnburg's (1870) Lecture on Aphasia as "Asymbolia," with Commentary. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 44, no. 2 (May 1979), pp. 156-168.

FRITZELL, Björn. Sweden. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(pp.178-185), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

HABERMANN, G. Kaiser Nero als Schauspieler und Sänger, zugleich ein Überblick über Stimmkunst und Stimmpflege im alten Rom. HNO 27 (1979):278-282.

HIRSCHBERG, Jenö, and FRINT, T. Ungarische Volksrepublik. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.207-219), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

HÖFLER, H., and MAJER, E.H. Österreich. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.134-142), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

ISSHIKI, N. Japan. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (pp.114-122), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

KOTBY, M.N. Egypt. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (pp.95-100), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

LEBRUN, Y., & LELEUX, C. La dominance hémisphérique pour le langage: Aperçu historique. Historiographia Linguistica 6 (1979):295-308.

LOEBELL, E. Thirty Years of Folia Phoniatrica. Folia Phoniatrica 31 (1979):1-7.

MAXIMOV, I. Volksrepublik Bulgarien. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.85-94), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

MUCCHIELI, A. Evolution et perspectives nouvelles de l'orthophonie en France. Révue Laryng. 100 (1979):387-400.

PERELLó, Jorge. Spain. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(pp.176-177), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

PETURSSON, Magnus. Review of Walter TRENSCHEL, Das Phänomen der Nasalität [1977]. Phonetica 36, Nr. 6 (1979), S. 407-409.

PRUSZEWICZ, A. Volksrepublik Polen. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.143-154), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

RICKEN, Ulrich. Konsequenzen einer cartesianischen Zeichentheorie: Géraud de Cordemoy und sein "Discours physique de la parole." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 32:661-667. (neurophysiological basis of speech and hearing; voice production; thought and language.)

ROCKEY, Denyse. Speech Disorders in Nineteenth-century Britain. London: Croom Helm, 1979 (256 pp.)

ROCKEY, Denyse. John Thelwall and the Origins of British Speech Therapy. Medical History 23 (April 1979), pp. 156-175.

ROCKEY, Denyse, and JOHNSTONE, Penelope. Medieval Arabic Views on Speech Disorders: Al-Razi (c. 865-925). Journal of Communication Disorders 12 (1979), pp. 229-243.

SCHOENBERG, B.S., and MASSEY, E.W. Tapia's Syndrome. The Erratic Evolution of an Eponym. Arch. Neurol. 36, no. 5 (May 1979), pp. 257-260.

SMITH, Aaron. Lenneberg, Locke, Zangwill, and the Neuropsychology of Language and Language Disorders. Untraced source, pp. 133-149. (Cited in Hall & Woolhouse, 80 Years of Locke Scholarship, p.134.)

SONNINEN, A. Finland. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (pp.101-113), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

SPARKS, S.N. Speech Pathology and Audiology in Brazil, 1978. ASHA 21.4 (1979):280-282.

SRAM, Frantisek. Tschekoslowakische Sozialistische Republik. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.186-206), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

STEPHENS, S.D.G. Audiometers from Hughes to Modern Times. British Journal of Audiology 13 (1979), sup. no.2:17-23.

WENDLER, J. (ed.). 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann sen. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

WENDLER, J. Bibliographie H. Gutzmann sen. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.28-41), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

WENDLER, J., & PAHN, J. Deutsche Demokratische Republik. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.42-58), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

WILMS, F.J., DAMSTÉ, P.G., and VAN GELDER, L. Niederlande. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschriftzu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen. (S.123-129), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979.

WOLLOCK, Jeffrey. An Articulation Disorder in 17th-century Germany. Journal of Communication Disorders 12 (1979), pp. 303-321.

ZEHMISCH, H., SIEGERT, C., and WENDLER, J. Deutschland bis 1945. In 75 Jahre Phoniatrie, Festschrift zu Ehren von Hermann Gutzmann, sen.(S.11-27), ed. J. WENDLER. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 1979. (With large bibliography, including unpublished materials.)


CLARK, Michael J. (ed. & transl.). Jean Itard: A Memoir on Stuttering. In Psychology of Language and Thought: Essays on the Theory and History of Psycholinguistics (pp.153-184), ed. R.W. RIEBER. New York: Plenum Publishing Co., 1980.

COURTINE, Jean-François. Leibniz et la langue adamique. Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques 64 (1980), pp.373-391.

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History Committee Page: Venerable Bede. Folia Phoniatrica (1985):206.

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KIRIKAE, I. Desarrollo de la Logopedia y de la Foniatria en Japón. Revista Logopedia 6 (1986):116-120.

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History Committee Page: J. Perelló: Phoniatric Chronology. Folia Phoniatrica (1987):153.

History Committee Page: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Tale og Stemme. Folia Phoniatrica (1987):218.

History Committee Page: Jan Siestrzynski. Folia Phoniatrica (1987):271.

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HUNT, M.I. Speech Correction and Western ... Western Michigan University Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing 23.1 (1987):10-11.

MAQUIEIRA RODR*GUEZ, Marina. Doctrina lingüística en los "Diálogos de la diferencia del hablar al escribir" de Pedro de Albret. Estúdios Humanísticos, ser. Filología (Univ. León) 9:53-66.

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SPAHR, T.T. History of the National Office. ASHA (1987) 29.3, p. 10.

TORRE, Esteban. Three Physicians of the Spanish Renaissance on Language. Histoire Epistémologie Langage (Paris) 9.2:61-73.

VAN CLEVE, John V. History (Traditional Studies; Pioneering Studies). In Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness, ed. John V. Van Cleve. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987, 2:38-39.

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FLENEROVá, Helena, OBUCHOVá, Milada, and SIMUNKOVá, Vladimira. Zur Geschichte der Fürsorge für geschädigte Jugendliche auf dem Territorium der Tschekoslowakischen Republik. In Die Erziehungund Bildung besonderer Fürsorge bedürftiger Jugendlicher in der Tschekoslowakei (pp. 11-12: Comenius). Prag: Staatlicher Pädagogischer Verlag, 1988.

History Committee Page: John W. Black. Folia Phoniatrica (1988):101.

History Committee Page: S. Saito; Jean Itard. Folia Phoniatrica (1988):262.

LEDEN, H. von. Microlaryngoscopy. Journal of Voice 1 (1988):341-346.

MÖRGELI, C. Mundspiegel, Mitte 16 Jh. Schweitzerische Ärztezeitung 69 (1988):42.

PERELL*, Jorge. Phoniatric Chronology. Folia Phoniatrica (1988) 312-313.

SAVITHRI, S.R. Speech and Hearing Science in Ancient India -- A Review of Sanskrit Literature. Journal of Communication Disorders 21 (1988), pp. 271-317.


Author unknown. Czech Logopedic Society. Prague, 1989.

COOPER, D.S. Voice: A Historical Perspective. Journ. Voice 3 (1989):1-6; 187-203.

DUGUAY, M.J. Esophageal Voice: An Historical Review. Journ. Voice 3 (1989):264-268.

History Committee Page: W. Oltuszewski. Folia Phoniatrica (1989):53.

SAVITHRI, S.R. Timing in Speech: A Review of Sanskrit Literature and Its Verification. Journal of Communication Disorders 22 (1989), pp. 305-315.

VAN RIPER, Charles. ASHA 31 (June 1989):75.


WOLLOCK, Jeffrey. Communication Disorder in Renaissance Italy: An Unreported Case Analysis by Hieronymus Mercurialis. Journal of Communication Disorders 23 (1990), pp. 1-30.


BOUTON, Charles P. Neurolinguistics: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives. Transl. by Terence MacNamee. New York & London: Plenum, 1991.

GUITARTE, Guillermo. La fama de Juan Pablo Bonet como fonetista. Anuario de Letras 29 (1991):195-224.

HARRIS, L.J. Cerebral Control for Speech in Right-Handers and Left-Handers: An Analysis of the Views of Paul Broca, His Contemporaries, and His Successors. Brain and Language 40 (1991):1-50.


BROWN, Jason W. & CHOBOR, Karen L. Phrenological Studies of Aphasia before Broca: Broca's Aphasia or Gall's Aphasia? Brain and Language 43.3 (1992):475-486.

CRAM, David & CAMPBELL, Ruth. A 16th-century Case of Acquired Dysgraphia. Historiographia Linguistica (1992):57-64.

LEVIN, S. The Speech Defect of Moses. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 85 (1992):632-633.


DOODY, Rochelle Smith. A Reappraisal of Localization Theory with Respect to Aphasia. Part I: Historical Considerations. Brain and Language 44.3 (1993):296-326.


KOERNER, E.F. Konrad. Professing Linguistic Historiography. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995. (Chapt. 9: History and Historiography of Phonetics: A State-of-the Art Account, pp. 171-202, with 17-page bibliography.)


ALBANO LEONI, Federico & DOVETTO, Francesca M. From Maine de Biran to the 'Motor Theory': A Note in the History of Phonetics. Historiographia Linguistica 23.3 (1996):347-364.

WOLLOCK, Jeffrey. John Bulwer and His Italian Sources. In Italia ed Europa nella linguistica del Rinascimento, vol.2. Ed. by Mirko Tavoni, 417-433. Modena: Panini.

WOLLOCK, Jeffrey. John Bulwer's (1606-1656) Place in the History of the Deaf. Historiographia Linguistica 23.1/2:1-46.

Year Unknown

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Author unknown. A Guide for Oral History Program.Fullerton: University of California.

LEWIS, K.A., & YATES, J.R. An Oral History of the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Part III: 1979-1983.

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DeJONCKERE, P. Histoire de la phoniatrie. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Belgica (reprint without year):729-788.

ROSE, P. Clifford & W.F. BYNUM, eds. Historical Aspects of the Neurosciences: A Festschrift for MacDonald Critchley. New York: Raven Press.


added with permission, April 14, 1997