The following is a letter sent in 1965 announcing the Shady Trails camp season for that summer. It is shared from the files of Steve Rosen, a camper for the 1965 session.




Summer Address (June, July and August) Northport, Michigan 49670

Winter Address 1111 Catherine Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Thirty-Fourth Season

June 28-August 21, 1965

The 1965 session at The University of Michigan Speech Improvement Camp, SHADY TRAILS, will begin on Monday, June 2 8th. The session is of eight weeks' duration and will end as of the close of the day's activities on Saturday, August 21st. Boys and young men who enroll will be expected to arrive in camp on Sunday, June 27th.

The camp-clinic, SHADY TRAILS, was established in 1932 as a nonprofit organization and has been affiliated with The University of Michigan throughout its history. In 1949 the camp was acquired by the University through a generous gift from The Kresge Foundation. The camp continues to operate in cooperation with the University Speech Clinic and the Department of Speech.

The camp is located directly on Grand Traverse Bay, twenty-five miles northwest of Traverse City, Michigan, and five miles south of the village of Northport. This very modern camp provides gracious living for boys and young men while away from home. The staff, however, remains of greatest importance. The 1964 staff in residence at the camp numbered 41 members (7 major speech clinicians; 15 associate speech clinicians; 9 sports instructors and cabin counselors; remedial reading specialist; language specialist; 3 secretaries; registered nurse; camp mother; 2 assistants to the director: and director). The Staff further includes visiting specialists in speech disorders and allied fields from The University of Michigan and other major schools.

As the catalog of the camp-clinic indicates, we are interested in boys and young men with speech problems (stuttering, articulation, post-operative cleft palate, hard of hearing, mild cerebral palsy, etc.). The enrollment is restricted to boys and young men and the program is planned solely for them. The organization and program has developed over the years to provide the utmost in meeting individual needs. The staff is a sizable one; it numbers more than one member to three campers. The pro- gram gives the fullest opportunity of treating the whole boy in an environment in which he has the fullest opportunity to respond.

The camp provides an ideal plan for the care of the boys while away from home and for speech therapy services. Each camper given an opportunity to learn new speech and social behavior patterns and to apply them in the dining room situation, in cabin living, and on the athletic field. The camping program goes hand in hand with the. speech therapy program to assure success,

The camp has been set up to provide for six age groups from age 8 through age 21. Each group has its own quarters for living, classes and activities. Three speech clinicians and a sports instructor give their undivided effort of the session to a cabin group. A maximum of sixteen campers are enrolled in each of the following groups:

The fee for 1965 is $600.00. The fee, of course, remains inclusive of board, room, and tuition. A deposit of $100.00 to apply on the fee is required with application. During the first week in June the camp will send an invoice for the balance. The deposit will be refunded if application is canceled before May 1, 1965. It will also be refunded if, for any reason, admittance is not granted.

Extras are nominal and for personal items only. The cost of uniform camp clothing is approximately $30.00. Group accident and health insurance is $6. A deposit of $50.00 with the camp office for personal laundry, haircuts, spending change, etc., is required. The deposit must be somewhat larger if, for example, the camper brings a camera and charges films, flash bulbs and prints to his account. Too, books ordered by the Camp for a camper's personal use as a participant in the "remedial reading program" are charged to this Petty Cash Account.

In 1964 the enrollment included boys and young men from more than twenty states. It is our desire to make this ideal training program available to all boys and young men who need it. Enrollment, however, is limited to ninety-six. This quota is usually reached in the early spring and, thus, we suggest early consideration and early application.

John N. Clancy, M.A, Director

T. David Prins, Ph.D. Director, effective June 1965.


H. Harlan Bloomer, Ph.D.
Director, University Speech Clinic

Harold M. Dorr, Ph.D.
Dean, State-wide Education

Fedele F. Fauri, LL.B.
Dean, School of Social Work

James R. Hayward, D.D.S.
Professor of Dentistry (Oral Surgery)

William M. Sattler, Ph.D.
Chairman, Department of Speech

Donald E. P. Smith, Ph.D.
Chief, Reading Improvement Services

Walter P. Work, M.D.
Chairman, Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Medical School)


added February 6, 2000