My first introduction to Bryng Bryngelson was in my Articulation Disorders class in my undergraduate program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the 1960's. We were give a copy of a score sheet and were told to take 5X8 notecards and find pictures to illustrate the Bryngelson-Glaspey Articulation Test to administer to children in our first clinical experience, which would happen the following semester. A longer articulation test was used in the University Speech and Hearing Clinic - I think it was called the Irwin-Hervey. I knew the first name - that was John Irwin who was the department chair, my instructor in Articulation Disorders and the then president of ASHA. But it wasn't until years later that I knew the name Bryngelson. I still don't know the names Glaspey or Hervey.
In cleaning out some old files, I found a copy of that first articulation test I used so many years ago. I've added it to the Bryngelson site for historical reference. Judy Kuster
added March 21, 2006