Mark Allen's Stuttering Therapy Program

Mark Allen photo

Mark Allen's complete program is here.

After Mark's untimely passing in 2018, his family granted Judy Kuster permission to make freely available his therapy program, Speak Freely: Essential Speech Skills for School-aged Children Who Stutter. It is embodied in two volumes: The Therapist Handbook and the Student Workbook, supported and illustrated by numerous audio and video files. The program is designed to be appropriate for school-age children and adolescents between ages 7 and 18. Adults who stutter may also find this information valuable.

Suggestions for Use

Thanks to Ginny Bessler and Tom Kuster who formatted Mark's materials for presentation online.

Read more about Mark here. Mark's ASHA Leader article explaining the core of his program is here with ASHA's permission.

The Therapist Handbook

The Student Workbook

cover of handbook

cover of workbook