International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference

co-chairs - Judith Maginnis Kuster and Michael Sugarman

International Stuttering Awareness Day recognizes the growing alliance between speech-language professionals and consumers, who are learning from each other and working together to share, give support, and educate one another and the general public on the impact that stuttering has on individuals' lives. Welcome to the first International Online Conference on Stuttering. Beginning October 1 there are 30 invited papers and 3 panels linked below for you to read at your leisure. The papers reflect professional and consumer interests about stuttering and are presented by 50 individuals representing 14 different countries on 5 different continents. Each paper also has a threaded discussion page for your comments and questions. By October 22, 1998, International Stuttering Awareness Day, the authors of the papers will respond as they wish. Feel free to post your questions/comments at any time and check back on International Stuttering Awareness Day for any response from the author. Contributors to the conference are solely responsible for the information they provide. We cannot be responsible for nor can we attest to the accuracy or efficacy of the information others provide. The author's papers will be permanently archived on the Stuttering Home Page for you to read at any time. ( Other ISAD98 events are listed here.

Thank you for your participation. Your comments about the conference are also welcome.

Welcome from Michael Sugarman.

The papers are linked to the button in the square to the left. The questions/comments page may be accessed at the top or bottom of each paper, or from the link after the title of the paper in the index. Please read the instructions on how to post questions at the top of each of the question/comments pages. Remember that there are many people writing and attending this conference for whom English is not their first language. Also please ask questions that are relevant to the papers and refrain from developing a personal topic. It is expected that participants will remain cordial.

Panel Discussions

Paths Toward Recovery, featuring a panel of Kristin Chmela (Illinois, USA), Geoff Johnston (South Australia), Walt Manning (Tennessee, USA) and Bob Quesal (Illinois, USA) Questions/comments

Some Recent Trends in Therapy for Stuttering from Around the World, Barbara Dahm (Israel) Questions/comments and Alexander Wolff von Gudenberg (Germany) Questions/comments

Self-help groups for stuttering around the world, featuring the British Stammering Association - Norbert Lieckfeldt (UK), along with a panel of self-help organizers - John Ahlbach, Friends (USA); Annie Bradberry, National Stuttering Project (USA); Martine De Vloed, Belangengroep Stotteraars VZW BeSt (Belgium); Stefan Hoffmann, Bundesvereinigung Stotterer-Selbsthilfe e.V. (Germany); Mike Hughes, Speakeasy (Canada); Shinji Ito, Japan Stuttering Project (Japan); Jaan Pill, CAPS (Canada); and Benny Ravid, The Israeli Support Group for People Who Stutter (Israel). Questions/comments

Invited Papers

A Perspective on Summer Camps for Children Who Stutter: 1991 - 1998 by Ellen Bennett and Jenna Batik (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

What Is Wrong With John Wayne's Stuttering Therapy? by Hans-Georg Bosshardt (Germany) Questions/comments

Adolescents who stutter: the urgent need for support groups (A Parent's Perspective), by Lee Caggiano (New York, USA) Questions/comments

Born with a Broken Tongue, by Martin Casey (Ireland) Questions/comments

Stuttering and Communication: What Is Going Wrong? by Hermann Christmann (Denmark) Questions/comments

The Impact of Identifying Preferred Treatment Outcomes on Conceptualizing, Assessing, and Treating Chronic Stuttering by Eugene B. and Crystal S. Cooper (Florida, USA) Questions/comments

Consumer Self-Help and Professional Associations by Charlie Diggs (Maryland, USA) Questions/comments

Some thoughts on the multidimensional nature of stuttering from a neurophysiological perspective by Luc De Nil (Toronto, CA) Questions/comments

"Dysphagia" Wha? -- Do Stuttering Therapists Need to Study the Full Speech-Language-Hearing Curriculum? by Darrell Dodge (Colorado, USA) Questions/comments

Stuttering Foundation of America -- Looking Back and Looking Forward by Jane Fraser (Tennessee, USA) Questions/comments

Fluency and Fluency Disorders Lab by Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade, (Brazil) Questions/comments

Enhancements To Integrated Approaches For Treating Stuttering by E. Charles Healey (Nebraska, USA), Janet Norris (Louisiana, USA), Lisa Scott Trautman (Kansas, USA), and Michael Susca (Nebraska, USA) Questions/comments

Stages of Coping: A Stutterer's Journey from Denial to Integration by Louise Heite (Iceland) Questions/comments

Some suggestions for teachers of children who stammer by Cherry Hughes (United Kingdom) Questions/comments

Speaking Is My Challenge -- And I'm Facing Up To It by Marty Jezer (Vermont, USA) Questions/comments

Issues of culture and stuttering: A South African Perspective by Harsha Kathard (South Africa) Questions/comments

Internet Resources About Stuttering by Judith Kuster (Minnesota, USA) Questions/comments

The Birth of the YSP: Towards a theory on the Young Stuttering Person. by Anders Lundberg and Sara Strom (Sweden) Questions/comments

Is there anything new in stuttering or are you still doing the same old things? by Walter Manning (Tennessee, USA) Questions/comments

Low-Cost Video-Conferencing for the Provision of Remote Stuttering Intervention: Myth or Reality? by Richard McGuire (Iowa, USA) Questions/comments

A Perspective On Neuropharmacological Agents And Stuttering: Are There Implications For A Cause As Well As A Cure? by Larry Molt (Alabama, USA) Questions/comments

What is "successful" stuttering therapy by Robert Quesal (Illinois, USA) Questions/comments

The Role of Self Help/Support Groups in Determining the Outcomes of Stuttering Therapy by Lee Reeves (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

A Synopsis Of Cluttering And Its Treatment by Kenneth St. Louis (Virginia, USA) and Florence Myers (New York, USA) Questions/comments

Relapse: A Misnomer? by C. Woody Starkweather (Pennsylvania, USA) Questions/comments

A Model for Change from a Consumer's Perspective by Michael Sugarman (California, USA) Questions/comments

The neuro-physiological perspective as the grounds for corporal workout with people who stutter by Beatriz Biain de Touzet (Argentina) Questions/comments

Views From A Wife by Harriet Weiner (Michigan, USA) Questions/comments

Outreach Initiatives with Children Who Stutter by Bonnie Weiss (New York, USA) Questions/comments

Documenting Treatment Outcomes in Stuttering: Measuring Impairment, Disability, and Handicap by J.Scott Yaruss (Pennsylvania, USA) Questions/comments


webweaver Judith Kuster
last updated September 30, 1998