International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference, 1999

Judith Maginnis Kuster, chair of this online conference, and Michael Sugarman, chair of International Stuttering Awareness Day

International Stuttering Awareness Day recognizes the growing alliance between speech-language professionals and consumers, who are learning from each other and working together to share, give support, and educate one another and the general public on the impact that stuttering has on individuals' lives. Welcome to the second International Online Conference on Stuttering. Beginning October 1, 1999 there were 3 panels, 28 invited papers and 8 poster sessions of research updates linked below for you to read at your leisure. There is also a section - "The Professor is In" - where you could ask questions of several professionals. The contributions in this conference reflect professional and consumer interests about stuttering and are presented by over 60 individuals representing 19 different countries on 5 different continents. Each paper also had a threaded discussion page for comments and questions. By October 22, 1999, International Stuttering Awareness Day, the authors of the papers responded as they wished. The comments and questions are still linked to the papers although no additional comments/questions are possible since the conference has concluded. Contributors to the conference are solely responsible for the information they provide. We cannot be responsible for nor can we attest to the accuracy or efficacy of the information others provide. The author's papers are permanently archived on the Stuttering Home Page for you to read at any time. ( Other ISAD99 information and events are available here.

Instructions - please read! The papers are linked to the button in the square to the left. After you have opened the paper, the box around the button will turn green to remind you that you've already opened that paper. The questions/comments page may be accessed from the link after the title of the paper in the index.

Thank you for your participation. Your comments about the conference were posted here.

Office Hours

Several university professors have agreed to serve as a panel to answer appropriately-posed questions about stuttering.

Office Hours: The Professor Is In, featuring Steve Hood, Walt Manning, Larry Molt, Nan Ratner, Ken St. Louis, Woody Starkweather, Bob Quesal, and Scott Yaruss. Questions/comments

Panel Discussions

This section contains 2-4 page papers by several authors about four different topic areas. Questions/comments may be directed to any individual or to the entire group.

ISAD 1998 - some success stories, featuring Beatriz Touzet, Miriam Lobato, and Karina Couselo RÌos (Argentina), Kathrin Hoelzl (Austria), Martine De Vloed (Belgium), Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade (Brazil), Jaan Pill (Canada), Antero Tiilikka (Finland), Benny Ravid (Israel), Robbie Cameron (South Africa), Anita Blom (Sweden), and Annie Bradberry (USA). Questions/comments

Former Clients of Charles Van Riper Remember, featuring Joe Agnello (Ohio, USA), Jerry Johnson (Wisconsin, USA), Gretchen Fifer (South Carolina, USA) Questions/comments

People who stutter changing careers to become SLPs by Gert Reunes (Belgium), Darrell Dodge (Colorado, USA), Louise Heite (Iceland), and Lucy Reed (Pennsylvania, USA) Questions/comments

Invited Papers

This section contains full-length papers, up to 10 pages long, by members of the professional community and also by consumers from around the world. They focus on a variety of topics of interest to the presenters.

Early Intervention With Childhood Stuttering Revisited by Richard F. Curlee (USA) Questions/comments

GOING OUT ON A LIMB: Hypotheses Regarding the Nature and Treatment of Stuttering by Francis Freeman (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

Psychological problems in a case of stuttering by JosÈ Antonio GarcÌa Higuera (Spain) Questions/comments

The Stuttering Paradox: A Trap To Full Acceptance. Some Journal Based Thoughts From A Covert Stutterer by Lieven Grommen (Belgium) Questions/comments

India, Stuttering and Mixed-Up Speech Pathologists! by Ajit Harisinghani (India) Questions/comments

The Hawthorne Effect And Its Impact On Stuttering Therapy by John Harrison (California, USA) Questions/comments

Intensive Therapy At The Warneford Hospital In Oxford by Peter Hawkes (Devon, England) Questions/comments

Public Speaking for Stutterers by Russ Hicks (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

Summer camp for children and teenagers who stutter by Kathrin Hoelzl (Austria) Questions/comments

Stuttering: the Real World by Michael Hughes (Canada) Questions/comments

ISAD online conference 1998 - a report by Judy Kuster (Minnesota, USA) Questions/comments

Who Stutters? When and Where as Clues to Why by Bobbie Lubker (North Carolina, USA) Questions/comments

Creating Your Own Map For Change by Walter Manning (Tennessee, USA) Questions/comments

The Basal Ganglia's Possible Role in Stuttering: An Examination of Similarities between Stuttering, Tourette Syndrome, Dystonia, and other Neurological-Based Disorders of Movement. by Larry Molt (Alabama, USA) Questions/comments

Intentional, Theory-Based Counseling in Stuttering Therapy, by Gunars Neiders (Washington, USA) Questions/comments

Stuttering and Employment Discrimination by William Parry (USA) Questions/comments

Change by David Preece (United Kingdom) Questions/comments

"One size fits all (or: When the only tool you have is a hammer...)" by Bob Quesal (Illinois, USA) Questions/comments

The State of Stuttering in China by Sheree Reese (New Jersey, USA), Stefan Hoffmann (Germany) and Li Sheng Li (China) Questions/comments

Desensitization for speech language pathology students: Reducing the fear of working with clients who stutter, by Lynne Shields (Missouri, USA) Questions/comments

A Stuttering Association in Slovakia: Some Important Steps in the Right Direction by Tomas Simko (Slovakia) Questions/comments

Voluntary Stuttering - When, How, and For What Purpose by Andreas Starke (Germany) Questions/comments

The Stutterer's Experience by C. Woodruff Starkweather (Pennsylvania, USA) Questions/comments

Overview and Brief History of the National Stuttering Association by Michael Sugarman (California, USA) Questions/comments

Is Stuttering the Only Thing People Listen To? by Michael Susca and E. Charles Healey (Nebraska, USA) Questions/comments

"TEENS - The Best Stuttering Years of Your Life?" by GW (United Kingdom) Questions/comments

The Stereotyping of People Who Stutter: Origins, Effects, and Controls by Dale F. Williams & Carlos F. Diaz (Florida, USA) Questions/comments

Preliminaries to Treatment Outcomes Research for Adults Who Stutter by J. Scott Yaruss (Pennsylvania, USA) and Robert Quesal (Illinois, USA) Questions/comments

Poster Session: Research Updates

This section contains short papers describing some ongoing research projects

Intervention Towards Stuttering in Children by Hermann Christmann (Denmark) Questions/comments

Stuttering research in the United Kingdom: Activities in the Psychology Department at University College London's Speech Laboratory by Peter Howell (United Kingdom) Questions/comments

A Common Element in the Immediate Inducement of Effortless, Natural-Sounding, Fluent Speech in Stutterers: "The Second Speech Signal" by Joseph Kalinowski (North Carolina, USA) Questions/comments

The Lidcombe Program: Where to next? by Michelle Lincoln (Australia) Questions/comments

A Case of Drug Induced Stuttering by Don Mowrer (Arizona, USA) and Jan Yount (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

The Relationship Between Language And Fluency In Children And Role Of Parents In Managing Stuttering by Nan Ratner (Maryland, USA) Questions/comments

An Animal Model for Stuttering-Related Part-Word Repetitions by David B.Rosenfield, M.D. Nagalapura S. Viswanath, Ph.D., Santosh A. Helekar, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. (Texas, USA) Questions/comments

International Project on Attitudes Toward Stuttering: Initial Planning and Status Report by Kenneth O. St. Louis (WV, USA), Bobbie Boyd Lubker (NC, USA), J. Scott Yaruss (PA, USA), Jaan Pill (ON, CA), and Charles C. Diggs (MD, USA) Questions/comments


webweaver Judith Kuster
last updated October 6, 1999